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Stojanović and Head of UNMIK discussed the situation in Kosovo (Kontakt plus radio, RTS)

Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanović and Special Representative of the UN Secretary General in Kosovo Zahir Tanin discussed the current political situation, program of the platform Our Plan and the development of new initiatives, announced the office of the Deputy Prime Minister.

The meeting also discussed the coordination and future cooperation between the Cabinet of the Deputy Prime Minister and UNMIK.

Tanin: There is no alternative to dialogue (Serbian media)

Today all Serbian media reported on yesterday's session of UN Security Council devoted to the situation in Kosovo. Special representative of the Secretary General and head of UN mission in Kosovo Zahir Tanin presented the quarterly report on Kosovo and said that Belgrade and Pristina accused each other for inflammatory rhetoric that resulted in a reduction in trust between the two sides.

Djuric: Association should establish without conditions (RTK)

The director of the so-called Office for Kosovo at the Government of Serbia, Marko Djuric, met today with the UNMIK Chief in Kosovo, Zahir Tanin, with whom he discussed the situation in Kosovo.

According to the Tanjug news agency, Djuric said that Serbia is interested on stabilization of the situation as well as establishment of the Association of the Serb-majority Municipalities without conditions and based on the agreement reached in Brussels.

Kosovo still unsure whether it will apply for UNESCO membership (Koha)

The government of Kosovo has not yet decided whether it will apply this year for UNESCO membership, the paper reports. Kosovo government’s work plan for this year mentions preparations for EU membership but not for UNESCO. Foreign Minister Enver Hoxhaj said there is still no decision and it is early to speak about the issue. Asked to elaborate, he told the paper: “We have plenty of time. Whether we apply or not is a matter of state confidentiality.”

Despite recent events, the security situation in Mitrovica, stable (Indeksonline)

Mayor of Mitrovica, Agim Bahtiri, met the head of UNMIK’s Regional Office in Mitrovica, Danilo Rosales Diaz to discuss the overall situation in the municipality, with special emphasis on the security situation. Diaz said that the mutual cooperation between the two institutions is satisfactory and in the benefit of all citizens. He added that UNMIK's doors are always open for cooperation and will support all activities of the municipality aimed at complete stabilization of the security situation and the improvement of interethnic relations.

Municipality of Skenderaj/Srbica receives car donation from UNMIK (Klan Kosova)

Municipality of Skenderaj/Srbica has received a car donation from the UN Mission in Kosovo. The donation was received by deputy mayor, Fadil Nura. On the occasion, Nura thanked UNMIK for the donation which will help the municipality in carrying out its daily tasks in providing service to the citizens. He also said that UNMIK has given important contribution in different stages of Kosovo’s institutional development. The donation was handed over to Skenderaj/Srbica officials by Leonid Markaryan, head of UNMIK’s Office for Community Support.

Tomić and Mladenović presented problems of minorities to UNMIK (RTK2, TV Most)

Director of the Office of Community Affairs Ivan Tomić and Commissioner for Languages Slaviša Mladenović yesterday have informed the representatives of UNMIK about the poor implementation of the law, security and economic development, which are still major problems in Kosovo.

UNMIK between the hammer and the anvil of the Security Council (RTS)

While Serbia expects the members of the UN Security Council to influence the repeal of the Law on Trepča, member countries that have recognized independence of Kosovo believe that the Council meetings on Kosovo should reduce, and they believe also that the scope of the UNMIK mission should be reduced. For representatives of the countries that do not recognize Kosovo, UNMIK has an important role, and the Resolution 1244 for them remains the only valid basic document for solving the problems in Kosovo.

Dacic to attend UNSC meeting on UNMIK's work (Tanjug)

BELGRADE - First Deputy PM and FM Ivica Dacic will be representing Serbia at Wednesday's United Nations Security Council meeting on a report by the UN secretary-general on the work of UNMIK, the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.

Dacic will present his take on the report for the period between July 16 and October 15, Serbia's position on the current situation in Kosovo-Metohija, and highlight how crucial UNMIK's operation is for Serbia.