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MPs debate over EULEX’s confidential report (KosovaPress)

The main focus during the debate at the Kosovo Assembly today was the EULEX's confidential report regarding the information published few days ago allegedly involving senior PDK officials. The Vetevendosje Movement MP, Albin Kurti, said that this report has just confirmed what was said before about the PDK, “that this party will continue to capture the institutions of Kosovo.” Also the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) MPs said that the matter should be thoroughly investigated.

EULEX and Embassies, Thaci's subsidiaries? (Gazeta Blic)

Jon Leka writes that publishing of EULEX's confidential report revealed a new dimension: Kosovo government uses EULEX and the others as instruments and manipulates them any time that it needs to hide its failures or to eliminate opponents.

According to him, the “Baimeh – EULEX” affair has not died out without a relevant impact. Investigations ordered by Mogherini opened old files which discover new scandalous details each day.

Kosovo corruption “omnipresent” despite EU’s €111m-a-year mission (Euronews)

The EU has failed to lay the foundations for fighting corruption in Kosovo, a report has concluded.

Law professor Jean-Paul Jacqué said corruption was ‘omnipresent’ in the region and Kosovo’s judiciary incapable of meeting the challenges of organised crime.

Mr Jacqué made the comments in his report on a scandal involving EULEX, the EU’s mission to establish rule of law in Kosovo.

Whistleblower Maria Bamieh last year accused EULEX of covering up a case of corruption in its own ranks.

Fifteen Serb candidates for prosecutors in Kosovo (Beta)

Fifteen Serb candidates have applied for prosecutors at all levels in Kosovo, learned Beta agency from the Prosecutorial Council of Kosovo.

“Number of those who applied could grow bigger after we receive eventual applications sent through the post office,” said spokesperson of the Prosecutorial Council of Kosovo Hekrem Lutfiju.

EULEX communicated that this mission has facilitated collection of applications in line with the reached agreement between Belgrade and Pristina, and forwarded them to the Judicial and Prosecutorial Councils of Kosovo.


EULEX without investigations on missing Serb journalists (Politika)

Ljubomir Knezevic, journalist of than Pristina-based daily Jedinstvo, and correspondent of Politika, went missing on this very day exactly 16 years ago in vicinity of Vučitrn/Vushtrri, the town where he used to live with his family. Ever since, there are no traces of him, whereas family and friends, along with associations, are trying to find out about his destiny for 16 years now.


EU Kosovo Prosecutor Criticises Graft Allegations Probe (Balkan Insight)

Former prosecutor Maria Bamieh said Brussels’ report on the handling of her allegations of corruption within the EU’s Kosovo rule-of-law mission did not prove there was no cover-up.

Two weeks after a report was published concluding that the EU rule-of-law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) had reacted appropriately to corruption claims within its ranks, the prosecutor who unearthed the claims described the document as a disappointment.

Media freedom deteriorates (

The Freedom House has published the 2015 annual report on the freedom of the media. The report, which covers 199 countries and territories, ranks Kosovo 100th in the list, compared to the 98th position it had last year. Zekirija Shabani, the chairman of the Association of Journalists of Kosovo (AGK), said he was not surprised by Kosovo’s ranking and said that an even more negative assessment was expected. “There is a marked increase of attacks, threats, blackmails and censorship against journalists this year.

CI SDP: Meucci might even know the verdict for Ivanović (Tanjug)

The Citizens’ Initiative SDP (CI SDP)  assessed last night that statement made by the head of EULEX Gabriel Meucci that there are no conditions for Olvier Ivanović to be released pending trial until all witnesses are not heard, clearly shows that Ivanović won’t be allowed to prove his innocence from freedom until the end of year.

“We are keen to think that Meucci might know and the verdict that will be rendered to Ivanović and we call him to present us and that detail,” reads the statement of the CI SDP
