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Zbogar: Kosovo has shown good example in combating extremism (Indeksonline)

The Kosovo Center for Security Studies organized a conference today on religious extremism and problems facing Kosovo in this regard. Participants in this panel were Kosovo Minister of Internal Affairs Skender Hyseni, and head of the EU Office in Kosovo, Samuel Zbogar.  During the conference, Zbogar said that religious radicalism is a problem facing the whole world and not only in Kosovo. "Kosovo has shown good example in combating extremism and terrorism, by reacting quickly in cases of specific individuals.

Hyseni: We will respond to violent protests by law (Telegrafi)

Kosovo’s Interior Minister, Skender Hyseni, told TV Dukagjini that in case that there would be violence in the future protests in Kosovo, the law very clearly describes how to react when the rule of law is violated and public and private property is damaged. He said that the government doesn’t perceive as security threats the announcements of some parliamentary groups regarding future protests. According to him, no individual can challenge and threaten the state.

Haliti: Minister Hyseni to report on Kumanovo incident (Kosovapress)

The Deputy Speaker of the Assembly, Xhavit Haliti, today proposed that Kosovo’s Interior Minister, Skender Hyseni, shall report to the Assembly on the armed incident that happened in Kumanovo, FYROM, a few months ago where allegedly several Kosovo citizens were involved. Meanwhile, the Vetevendosje Movement MP, Ilir Deda, expressed his concern over the security situation in Kosovo.  Deda said it is not a good image for Kosovo that some people forcibly removed fences at the government building.

Hyseni: Around 100 Kosovars fighting alongside terrorist groups (Telegrafi)

Kosovo’s Minister for Interior Affairs, Skender Hyseni, told reporters in Pristina today that around 100 Kosovars are fighting alongside terrorist groups in Syria and Iraq and that 40 Kosovars have been killed in the fighting so far. Hyseni said that according to the information of the government, Kosovo is not a target of a possible terror attack. Asked to comment on media reports that the annual 4th July concert in Pristina in honor of the United States of America was cancelled, Hyseni said no permission was asked to stage the concert.

Hyseni: No information about serious threats from ISIS in Kosovo (Koha)

Kosovo’s Interior Affairs Minister Skender Hyseni commented today on suspected plans to carry out terror attacks in Badovc Lake. “It is neither fair nor politically correct to comment on the case while the prosecution is conducting its investigation,” Hyseni said. He added that the Kosovo government and law enforcement authorities have no information over potential serious threats coming from terror groups that are affiliated with ISIS. He however called on the special units to stand ready to respond to any situation.

International Committee of the Red Cross to monitor correctional centers in Kosovo (KosovaPress)

Kosovo's Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA), and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) today signed a Memorandum of Understanding for access and monitoring of detention centers and correctional centers in Kosovo.

Through this memorandum, the Red Cross is allowed easy access to these centers and will carry out monitoring in order to assess the conditions offered to individuals deprived of their liberty and respect for human rights in accordance with the highest standards of human rights.

Hyseni: It is unfair that Kosovo continues to be isolated (KosovaPress)

Kosovo’s Interior Minister, Skender Hyseni, said on Wednesday that it is unfair that Kosovo continues to be isolated, while many countries like Moldova, Eastern Timor or Mexico move freely without visas in the Schengen area. Hyseni made these comments during the dialogue on Partnership for Migration between Kosovo and Switzerland, where he asked Switzerland to support Kosovo in the field of visa liberalization.

Hyseni lobbying in New York for Kosovo’s membership of Interpol (Express)

Kosovo’s Minister for Interior Affairs, Skender Hyseni, is on a three-day visit to New York to meet the United Nations law enforcement representatives as well as permanent representative of different countries to the UN. Hyseni met Stefan Feller, the United Nations Police Advisor in the Department of Peacekeeping Operations and briefed him on the content of Kosovo’s application for membership of Interpol. Hyseni highlighted strong arguments why Kosovo should join Interpol and called on UN agencies to support Kosovo’s bid.

Hyseni says he had no information from KIA on FYROM events (Koha)

Kosovo’s Interior Minister, Skender Hyseni, denied having had information on the situation in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) provided to him by the Kosovo Intelligence Agency (KIA). He said his ministry did not receive any report from KIA about what happened in Kumanovo, FYROM. Hyseni said that what happened in FYROM is an exclusive responsibility of the Skopje authorities and added that they still don’t know exact number of people from Kosovo killed during the operation.