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“They shot at house, because Thaci visited it,” Srpska Lista condemned incident (BETA, RTV Puls)

Owner of a restaurant, in the village of Banjska, Zubin Potok municipality, Goran Drazevic said his house was shot at, because Hashim Thaci visited his restaurant, BETA news agency reported.

Drazevic told Pristina-based the attack took place on Sunday, around 3;00 a.m. while everybody was sleeping in the house.

Vučić: I doubt the merits of the charges against Dikić (RTS)

Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić has expressed doubts about the merits of the charges of terrorism against Bratislav Dikić and others arrested in Montenegro.

Given the other intelligence data collected by the Serbian services that he had at his disposal, Prime Minister says he does not believe in it, personally.

"We," he said, "still do not have any information; we have certain information obtained by our intelligence agencies."

Youth see no future in Kosovo (Danas, Politika)

The views of the citizens in the north of Kosovo are divided when it comes to the Brussels dialogue and the most contradictions about the question of the formation of the Association/Community of Serb municipalities (ZSO), these are the results of the opinion poll, conducted by several portals and several non-governmental organizations under the auspices of the Kosovo Foundation for Open Society.

Selimi: Vucic has not promoted better neighbourly relations (Danas)

Prime Minister Vucic has requested permission from the Kosovo Government to visit Kosovo Serbs with dual citizenship, who will vote in Serbian elections. Such permission is given, and we regret that this opportunity has not been used to promote better neighbourly relations but to spread the false statements in connection with the property, said to Danas daily, the Acting Head of Kosovo Foreign Ministry Petrit Selimi, commenting on the visit and the rhetoric of the Serbian Prime Minister during his visit to Kosovo.

Democratic Party of Serbia: The bomb in Zubin Potok is mounted diversion in Vucic's organization (RTK2, Blic)

The Committee of the Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) in Kosovo says that the explosion in Zubin Potok, on the eve of the visit of Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic, actually is "mounted diversion", and "directed" the Prime Minister himself.

Zubin Potok: Identified Serbs who threw a bomb (NMagazin, Blic)

Three Serbs from Kolasin were identified as people who threw bombs at the hall in Zubin Potok, night before the rally of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), write Blic.

The Kosovo police are still searching for the Serbs. Three attackers around 3 am, in the night between Saturday and Sunday, first fired from automatic weapons, and then throw "grenades". In the explosion was damaged a car of the Director of the sports centre, which was parked nearby, while the detonation has shattered the windows of the hall.

Joksimovic: Vucic maps the continuation of the dialogue in Brussels (N1)

The President of the Centre for Foreign Policy, Aleksandra Joksimovic says that it is important, for both Belgrade and Pristina, to find responsible for the bomb attack on a facility in Zubin Potok, on the eve of the SNS rally and the speech of PM Aleksandra Vucic.  Resolving the attack, according to her, is in the interest of all - in Kosovo and in Belgrade.

Zubin Potok ecological zone (Vesti)

Councillors in Zubin Potok have unanimously decided that the municipalities in northern Kosovo, known for its vast expanse and extremely valuable natural resources, in future will be an ecological zone and the mountain Mokra Gora protected zone.

In Zubin Potok have undertaken such a step in order to preserve and improve the environment, which, as emphasized in the special Declaration adopted by the councillors, is severely compromised, especially with illegal felling of trees and theft of forest that runs from 1999.