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Prva TV crew attacked in Zubin Potok, UNS requests protection of journalists (Radio KIM)

Journalist of Belgrade-based Prva TV Zoran Maksimovic was attacked near Zubin Potok, this TV station has said, adding the members of the Kosovo police stopped him and damaged his car Radio KIM reports. According to Maksimovic, a vehicle belonging to Prva TV was completely damaged in the shooting by the Kosovo police and general chaos that occurred.

Great powers have reacted, Vucic says (BETA, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced today that "great powers" have reacted to the events in Zubin Potok. According to him, these power said that the operation of Kosovo special police forces has nothing to do with the fight against crime, but that this is about excessive measures.

"This is good news, I said - Serbia will win," Vucic said at the session of the Serbian Assembly.

He previously reiterated that in Zubin Potok, special Kosovo police forces fired live ammunition over the heads of unarmed Serbs.

The barricade in Zupce village breached, the shooting continues, wounded two Serbs (B92, Vecernje Novosti, Tanjug)

Vecernje Novosti unofficially learn that in the municipality of Zubin Potok currently the most difficult situation. The barricade, set up by the Serbs in the village of Zupce, was breached.

B92 reports that ROSU members now are heading towards the village of Varage, according to Novosti's sources.

A deputy minister’s vehicle torched in Zubin Potok (KoSSev, Kontakt plus radio, RTK2, KIM radio)

A vehicle belonging to the Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Welfare in the Kosovo government and member of the Serbian lIst, Milos Perovic was torched early this morning in the center of Zubin Potok.

Kosovo Police spokesperson for the Region North lieutenant Branislav Radovic told KoSSev that the vehicle was set on fire early in the morning at 02:42h in the center of Zubin Potok.

He added that it is a black Volkswagen Passat vehicle with Kragujevac license plates.

Car and cattle stolen from Serb in Kosovo (Tanjug, RTK2)

A Serb household in the village of Jabuka in the municipality of Zubin Potok has been robbed, the Kosovo police have said. This has been reported by RTK2.

A car that was parked in the yard has been stolen, along with a pair of cattle taken from the cowshed.

An investigation into the case in under way, RTK 2 said.


Kossev: Srpska List and Srdjan Vulovic on Slavisa Ristic: “An errand boy of Ramush Haradinaj”

While massive protests are being held in the Serbian capital against the rise of verbal and physical violence in Serbia and the policies carried out by Serbian President, Aleksandar Vucic, with one of the four demands of the protesters for the perpetrators and the instigators of the murder of Oliver Ivanovic to be found, the most influential Kosovo Serb party – Srpska Lista continues to sign statements in which it negatively describes those it sees as opponents of that policy.

Zubin Potok: Privately-owned car torched (KoSSev)

A private vehicle, a Golf 7, white in colour, KM registration plates, owned by an ethnic Serb was torched early this morning in Donje Varage village, in the Zubin Potok municipality, Deputy Head of Regional Police North, Besim Hoti, told KoSSev on Saturday.

The fire was reported this morning at 2:44h. The vehicle was parked, most likely in the yard of the car owner’s house.

Police and fire brigade units responded, and the prosecutor was notified. The fire was reported to be a case of arson.

Owner of restaurant Thaci visited: I did not give statement (BETA, B92, KoSSev)

Owner of a restaurant in the village of Banjska, Zubin Potok, Goran Drazevic refuted that he had “official conversation” with Pristina-based Insajderi portal, BETA news agency reports today.

This portal published Drazevic’s statement yesterday saying that his restaurant was shot at because Kosovo President Hashim Thaci had a coffee in it, while visiting Gazivode, and the Kosovo special police forces entered the lake from there.

Thaci at Gazivode Lake and Brnjak, drama in Belgrade: What happened? (KoSSev)

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci, unexpectedly and swiftly visited the Gazivode Lake and Brnjak crossing in north of Kosovo on Saturday, KoSSev portal reports.

Escorted by an entourage of around 20 police and civilian vehicles, armed security officers, and accompanied by his Intelligence Agency and Kosovo Police heads, he addressed the public from almost the same spot at the dam where his Serbian counterpart recently spoke as well.

Vecernje Novosti: “Storming” of Gazivode, KFOR knew and sent drones? (Vecernje Novosti, Tanjug, B92)

Prior and during “the storming” by the Kosovo special police units ROSU of Gazivode, there were three KFOR drones flying in the sky of Kosovo and Metohija, Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti writes today.

According to the daily, one of the drones covered directly the north of the province, so Belgrade excludes possibility that KFOR did not know about Hashim Thaci’s operation.