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“After full independence of Kosovo, new geopolitical issue to follow” (Danas)

Opponents of Kosovo independence think that even in a case of reaching a legally binding agreement between Belgrade and Pristina on full recognition of Kosovo, very soon a new geopolitical problem would arise, Danas daily reports today.

Associate of Institute for International Policy and Commerce, Dusan Prorokovic thinks that Serbia under no conditions must allow accession of Kosovo to the UN, as it would jeopardize its geopolitical position and open numerous issues.

Serwer: USA expects Kosovo recognition, Germany full normalization and Russia destabilization (Blic)

Washington supports independent and sovereign Kosovo within existing borders, and EU mediation in resolving the issues. However, in order to strengthen Kosovo sovereignty, USA wants Kosovo to join the UN, and when conditions are met an EU as well.

This is according to American expert for the Balkans, Daniel Serwer. He further told Blic daily Washington wants full normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations, which implies mutual recognitions and the exchange of ambassadors.

Brnabic: ZSO is not compensation for Kosovo in UN (Tanjug)

Serbian Prime Minister, Ana Brnabic rejected allegations that the establishment of the ZSO is a compensation for Kosovo membership in the UN, Tanjug news agency reported.

She reminded ZSO is part of the Brussels agreement and it has to be implemented.

“Agreements must be honoured. There are no further negotiations about ZSO. We will give nothing more, as it is included in the Brussels agreement,” PM Brnabic told Serbian Parliament.

Russia to lodge UN demarche over Kosovo incidents – daily (Vecernje Novosti, B92)

All diplomatic representatives of Russia have been instructed to express their concern over the recent events in Kosovo.

Daily Vecernje Novosti is reporting this, adding that Russian diplomats have been instructed to point out to the failures of KFOR and EULEX - the NATO and EU missions in Kosovo - as well as to the violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1244 - all with the aim of "reinforcing Belgrade's position."

Dacic to meet ambassadors, representatives of EU, UN, NATO (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, on behalf of the Serbian Government, would meet today ambassadors accredited in Serbia concerning yesterday’s incidents in Kosovo and Metohija, Serbian media reported.

He would also meet the representatives of the international organizations in Serbia, including the EU, UN, OSCE, NATO and the Office of the EU High Representative for Security and Foreign Policy.

As the Foreign Ministry announced the meeting would start at midday.


Dacic: It is absolutely untrue there is any ultimatum (RTS)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic told RTS he expects nothing spectacular from today’s meeting in Brussels. He also pointed out Serbia will never accept unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo.

Speaking for the RTS news edition, Dacic said there are many fake news related to Kosovo lately, and one can read some spectacular information every day, however “famous” Thursday when it was announced that somebody from Germany would bring a proposal or ultimatum has also passed.

Serbia has received ultimatum on Kosovo - media reports (B92)

Serbia has received an ultimatum - "to recognize Kosovo in exchange for the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO)."

At least that's what the press is reporting this Thursday, Prva TV said.

According to the media, the Serbian president "received such an offer" from diplomats in Berlin, Paris, London, and Washington - while this has been "confirmed to him" these last days during the meetings in New York City.

Jeremić: Vučić in desperation requested meeting with Guterres (TV N1)

Leader of the People’s Party Vuk Jeremić said for the TV N1 morning news that Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić requested a meeting with UN Secretary-General António Guterres on Monday night for Wednesday.

“That’s not how it’s done in the United Nations, one cannot ask today for tomorrow, it looks bad in the eyes of the international community” Jeremić said. He added he learned from international sources that President Vučić did not ask for security detail during his stay in New York.

Marko Jaksic: General capitulation is expected (Danas)

Marko Jaksic, member of the Serb “Fatherland” Movement from Kosovo told Danas daily Serbs from Kosovo do not know what a plan for Kosovo would contain, but they can sense what it could take from secret visits of the Serbian President to Paris and meeting with Hashim Thaci, as well as from his current stay in New York.