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Dacic comments on Haradinaj’s statement about France (Tanjug, Vecernje Novosti, Prva TV)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic commented last night on the statement Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj made regarding the role of France in reaching agreement between Belgrade and Pristina, by saying ironically he “sees how much Haradinaj respects the role of France,” Tanjug news agency reported.

Dacic added that could be seen during the recent meeting in Berlin, noting that the visit of the French President Emmanuel Macron to Serbia is good message to Pristina as well, given that Macron will not visit it.

Dacic: I hope Macron would end game related to Pristina tariffs (Danas, Blic)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic said today he hopes that French President Emmanuel Macron, who is coming to visit Belgrade, would end a “game” related to the Pristina’s tariffs and offer assurances it would end soon, Danas daily reports.

Responding to a question, if France can influence Pristina to revoke the tariffs in order to continue the negotiations with Belgrade, Dacic said he hopes to hear that response from the French President.

Dacic: I will probably sing Champs-Élysées to Macron (Kurir, B92)

Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic said that during today's visit of French President Emmanuel Macron to Serbia, he will sing Champs-Élysées to him, if the chance presents itself

"I have already sung to Macron two years ago in Trieste, and I will do so now as well, if I had the opportunity. I have to learn some French song quickly. It would probably be Champs-Élysées", Dacic stated for daily "Kurir". Today, President of France is coming to two-day visit to Serbia.

President Emanuel Macron brings five messages to Belgrade, Serbian media claim (TV N1, BETA, Blic, Vecernje Novosti, Politika)

French President Emanuel Macron set to visit Serbia on July 15 and 16, according to Belgrade-based Vecernje Novosti, wants to show that Paris is “still an important player on the world's political and security scene”.

Macron comes to Serbia directly from Russia, taking over the role of mediator? (Blic, Tanjug, B92)

Despite his standpoint against EU expansion, French President Emmanuel Macron comes to Belgrade with a message that France supports Serbia's EU integration.

This is according to Belgrade-based newspaper Blic that further said President Macron will pass on to the President of Serbia that France supports Serbia in resolving an open conflict with Kosovo Albanians. In this context, daily states that Macron's relations towards Pristina's representatives had changed, stressing that this change of course of French President in favor of Serbia is novelty.

Vucic 99 percent sure Paris meeting not happening (Serbian media)

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic says that he is 99 percent sure that the Paris meeting of the Western Balkans leaders with Kosovo, planned for July 1, would not be held because the Albanians “are not ready to talk about anything important,” Serbian media reported.

Vucic adds that his impression was the Albanians wanted to send a message to the Germans and French that the Europeans should not take part in solving the Kosovo issue.

Speaking to the Belgrade based TV Pink, Vucic said:

No reason to meet in Paris if tariffs remain in place, says Serbian PM Brnabic (Serbian media)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Wednesday that she sees no reason for officials from Belgrade and Pristina to meet in Paris unless the Kosovo Albanians revoke the tariffs on goods from Serbia, reported Serbian media.

“We are always prepared to sit down with people like German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron as well as people from the region to discuss problems and ways to solve them,” Brnabic told reporters in Paris after a meeting with her French counterpart Edouard Philippe.

Apostolova: "The best solution for continuing dialogue is to abolish the tax" (RTS, RTK2)

Kosovo's progress report confirms its European perspective, but it also shows that there are no shortcuts on the way to the EU, said Nataliya Apostolova, Head of the EU office in Kosovo, adding a glass is half full, and that the continuation of the reforms requires a strong political will of the Assembly and Government.

US says Kosovo police operation legal, Russia demands apology from Pristina (FoNet, N1)

The UK, the US and Germany called on the UN Security Council during the Monday's meeting on Kosovo, to strategically revise the UNMIK mission, praising it for the job done so far, while Russia demanded an apology from Pristina for the treatment of its UN member, the FoNet news agency reported on Monday.

The US representative said Washington was concerned about the tensions between Pristina and Belgrade, adding both sides should go back to the dialogue on normalisation of relations.

French President will visit Serbia in mid-July (FoNet, N1)

Emmanuel Macron, French President, will come to Belgrade in mid-July to confirm good political relations and strengthen the economic links between the two countries, French ambassador to Serbia Frederic Mondoloni said on Thursday, the FoNet news agency reported.

Macron was due in Serbia last November but had to postpone the visit due to the wave of protests in France.

“Our relations are very dynamic and develop in all areas, especially in economy,” the ambassador said.