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Kosovo enters the Council of Europe (Vesti online)

Hashim Thaci arrives tomorrow in Strasbourg where in the capacity of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kosovo he will meet with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe Thorbjorn Jagland, to discuss the admission of Kosovo in this pan-European organization that brings together 47 countries including Serbia.  The meeting was organized at the request of Pristina, and Thaci will arrive at the Council of Europe accompanied by the Consul of Kosovo in Strasbourg, Edon Cana.

Nothing out of the first chapter (Vecernje Novosti)

General Affairs Council of the EU today will not open the first negotiation chapter with Serbia. Belgrade must make progress in normalizing relations with Pristina, is Germany's conditions, and not all EU Member states as it is often represented.

Serbia was technically ready to open chapter 32, but political consensus could not be reached because of the Berlin attitude, which seek progress in the negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina.

If Vucic succeed, that will be very good for Serbia (Danas)

Interview: Michael Kirby, US Ambassador to Serbia

How do you comment on the various statements of Serbian officials related to the connection between EU accession talks and Kosovo? President Nikolic says that we cannot join the EU until we recognize Kosovo, while Foreign Minister Dacic and Prime Minister Vucic insist that such a requirement (to choose between Kosovo and the EU) no one had set.

Jahjaga: Kosovo to be more careful about economic policies (Indeksonline)

Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga said that insufficient rate of economic growth, unemployment and lack of government effectiveness are leading to an environment that stimulates and increases influence of criminal and extremist groups. Jahjaga made these comments during a ceremony to mark the anniversary of the establishment of Kosovo Central Bank.

EU praises Serbia for reforms, no timeframe for new chapter (RTS, Tanjug)

BELGRADE - In the conclusions that are to be adopted at next week's meeting of the Council of Ministers, the EU praises Serbia for the reforms implemented, but does not set a timeframe for the opening of the first negotiation chapter, the RTS has reported.

According to a draft document seen by the RTS, the Council of Ministers welcomes the progress that Serbia has achieved this year in reforming its judiciary and administration as well as in fighting corruption and implementing ambitious economic reforms.

Kuci and Hyseni travel to Belgrade (KosovaPress)

Kosovo Minister of Justice, Hajredin Kuci and Minister of Internal Affairs, Skender Hyseni traveled on Thursday to Belgrade to attend Ministerial Forum EU – Western Balkans organized by the European Commission, Kosova Press reports. Kosova Press writes that the main topics of discussion during the forum will be the judicial cooperation and fundamental human rights, with particular focus on the rights of women and children. This forum will present the priorities of the European Union Presidency.

Illegal migration affects the visa liberalization (Radio Kosova)

The requests for asylum of many Kosovars in the Schengen countries, have affected the visa liberalization process for Kosovo, Radio Kosova reports. EU officials in Pristina, say that this is not in the interest of Kosovo and that Kosovo institutions should address this issue as soon as possible.

EU officials in Pristina told Radio Kosova that Kosovo must fulfill all the requirements arising from visa liberalization roadmap, before the European Commission proposes to put Kosovo on the" white list ".

Germans want Kosovo removed from Constitution (Vecernje Novosti, B92)

Chapter 35 in Serbia's negotiations for EU membership "will not be closed until the Serbian Constitution is harmonized with the Brussels agreement (on Kosovo)."

The daily Vecernje Novosti writes that the Constitution's preamble and articles defining the country's territorial arrangements are targeted by this.

Besides the 11 conditions for the opening of the "key chapter, on Kosovo," writes the daily, "Berlin has delivered another demand to Serbia: that our Constitution be aligned with the Brussels agreement!"

Kosovo’s new government: in with the old, in with the new (Financial Times)

Six months and a day after Kosovo’s general election, the country finally has a government. But it is a government of strange bedfellows that faces daunting challenges. The new administration approved by parliament on Tuesday is headed by incoming prime minister Isa Mustafa , with his predecessor and fierce rival Hashim Thaci as his deputy and foreign minister.

Yet, while that may sound like a recipe for instability, the division of power is more likely to mean business as usual for Kosovo, both domestically and internationally.

Analysts: Opening the chapters do not require recognition of Kosovo (Blic)

After writing of the newspapers, which claim that Serbia actually is requested to recognize Kosovo in order to open the first chapter, Serbian analysts stated that conditions for opening the chapters are already stipulated by the Brussels Agreement, as well as technical agreements previously signed by Borislav Stefanovic and Edita Tahiri.