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Office of the President again violates the rights of Serbian media community (KiM radio)

DNKiM (Association of journalist in K&M) and UNS (Association of Journalists of Serbia) protested, because again at press conference in the building of the Kosovo presidency was not provided a translation in Serbian language, though that is a right guaranteed to the Serbian community.

Jahjaga invites political leaders for dialogue to overcome current crisis (Koha)

Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga issued a statement today which called Kosovo's political spectrum for a dialogue about the recent developments in the Kosovo Assembly. “After consultations with the heads of the institutions, with the Prime Minister and the Speaker of the Assembly, I call for dialogue the parliamentary political parties in an effort to overcome the current political situation. Violent acts during the last few days are unacceptable.

Opposition responds positively to Jahjaga’s invitation for dialogue (RTKLive)

The three leaders of the opposition parties – Vetevendosje Movement, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (Nisma) - have decided to respond positively to the invitation of the President Atifete Jahjaga for  a political dialogue in an attempt to resolve the current political crisis. Visar Ymeri, Ramush Haradinaj and Fatmir Limaj will go together in these meetings.

Assembly Presidency meeting postponed for tomorrow (all media)

The Presidency of the Assembly postponed its meeting for tomorrow due to President Jahjaga’s invitation for the political leaders to meet today and try to find a solution to the current political crisis. Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli said that the Presidency will meet tomorrow to specify the agenda and time for the next Assembly session, which according to him, will be scheduled for this week.

EU Office: Political parties to find solutions through dialogue (Gazeta Express)

The European Union Office in Kosovo, through a press release said that the President’s call for political dialogue is the right step towards resolving the political situation created in Kosovo. “President of Kosovo Atifete Jahjaga’s call for political dialogue in Kosovo is the right step towards resolving the current situation. We urge the political parties to show responsibility and find a solution through the dialogue for the sake of Kosovo’s future,” read the press release.

Jahjaga discusses missing persons with ICRC official (Kosovapress)

President of Kosovo Atifete Jahjagamet yesterday the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) director for Europe Laurent Corbaz and the head of the mission in Kosovo Agim Gashi. In the meeting, Jahjaga expressed appreciation for the continued support that the ICRC has offered to the institutions of Kosovo and in particular for the assistance it has given to the Kosovo government’s commission for missing persons and for the intermediary role it has played in the meetings of the joint working groups of Kosovo and Serbia, to resolve the fate of the missing persons.

Jahjaga: Violence is unacceptable, dialogue is needed in institutions (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo President, Atifete Jahjaga, said today that every violent act is unacceptable regardless of the persons or their affiliations with political parties. Jahjaga, during a visit to Pristina Hospital, called on all political parties to resort to dialogue in the institutions and not actions in the streets.

President Jahjaga condemns actions that stopped Assembly’s work (Telegrafi)

The Office of the President of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga, issued a reaction saying that today’s actions by opposition MPs were against democracy. “President Jahjaga calls on all members of the Kosovo Assembly to distance themselves from violence, to respect institutions that have been built with tremendous effort and sacrifice, including the personal sacrifice of the MPs.

 Jahjaga posthumously honours first UN administrator in Kosovo (Telegrafi)

President of Kosovo Atifete Jahjaga has presented a posthumous honour to the son of the late Sergio Vieira de Mello, the first UN administrator in Kosovo. “I thanked the family for the contribution of Mr. de Mello after the war in Kosoov and his help in overcoming the emergency stage and the laying of foundations for peace and democracy,” wrote Jahjaga on her Facebook account.