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Thaci: Opposition should not act like a political-criminal enterprise (Klan Kosova)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa and his Deputy Hashim Thaci, visited Ibrahim Rugova’s cemetery, to honor the eighth anniversary of Kosovo’s declaration of independence.

Thaci said that he went there to remember the President and his contribution to the independence of Kosovo.

Thaci’s message from Prekaz: We will not tolerate criminal action (

Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo Hashim Thaci, paid homage today in Prekaz. “Every time we go to Prekaz, our strength is renewed by remembering our glorious past and of course the future and state-building of Kosovo,” Thaci said. “We have been tolerant and remained silent until now, giving the opposition possibility to reflect, but we will not tolerate criminal action anymore,” Thaci said.

Haradinaj: There will be consequences if Thaci is elected president (Klan Kosova)

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, said today that if Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci is elected president in an alternative hall, there will be major consequences. He also said he wasn’t expecting to find any solution at the meeting with Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and Hashim Thaci called by President Atifete Jahajga a few days ago. “I saw that Mustafa and Thaci had no intention on reflecting on the situation.

Thaci: Opposition to return to institutional democracy (Kosovapress)

In an interview with Austrian magazine Profil Kosovo, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci spoke about the expectations Kosovo has of the EU, the visa liberalization process and the current political crisis in Kosovo. Thaci said the next step in Kosovo’s EU integration process is visa liberalization which, according to him, should be granted by the end of the year. On the political situation in Kosovo, Thaci said it is paramount for all parties to respect Kosovo laws and democratic procedures.

Ramush Haradinaj’s burden (Koha Ditore)

Today, Adriatik Kelmendi praised the leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, for participating in the meeting called by the President of Kosovo Atifete Jahjaga, in an attempt to find a solution to the political crisis. “To reach a situation that is beneficial for all, often one must act courageously, despite the danger this may incur for one's personal position. There is no doubt that this is applicable to Ramush Haradinaj,” Kelmendi writes.

Mr. Mustafa, offer a solution to the homeland (Koha Ditore)

According to the writer of this opinion piece, Halil Matoshi, the President of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga, cannot succeed in overcoming the political crisis in Kosovo considering that she has served the Democratic Party of Kosovo and Hashim Thaci for almost two mandates. He views her leadership as pitiful.

Thaci: Constitutional Court allows establishment of Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities (Telegrafi)

In a meeting with representatives of Kosovo civil society, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci spoke about the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities and the border demarcation with Montenegro. “With regards to the Association, the Government of Kosovo respects the decision of the Constitutional Court which noted that certain elements of the principles for its establishment are not in line with the spirit of the Constitution.

Clash and rule (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of the paper says that yesterday’s meeting between party leaders at the office of the President did not offer anything new, instead, it only proved that the governing coalition has no intention to compromise with opposition, and that protests throughout Kosovo remain the only solution. According to Kosova Sot, the President failed to offer any interesting options either.

Thaci: Elections and the President according to the Constitution (Koha)

Kosovo’s Principal Deputy Prime Minister Hashim Thaci talked to reporters after today’s meeting between political and institutional leaders. Thaci said: “We have suggested that the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo [AAK] should be part of joint sessions and take part in the international committee on the border demarcation with Montenegro. However, the AAK leader was silent about our proposals and I don’t know how he will react in the future”. Thaci said the leaders did not discuss the election of the President of Kosovo.
