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“Haradinaj is not discussing numbers, but a broader governing base” (Lajmi)

“Coalition PAN and their nominee for Prime Minister, Ramush Haradinaj, are in the phase of discussions with eventual partners, not because of the numbers but for creation of broader based political governance,” said the spokesperson of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, Muharrem Nitaj.

Jablanovic speaks about his arrest (

Aleksandar Jablanovic, leader of Kosovo Serbs Party  was released late last night, after being detained by Kosovo Police for being involved in an incident.

“I and some colleagues were close to the offices of our party, and we noticed activists of the Serbian List putting marketing posters of the Serbian Party, and there was no fighting, or clash or gun use,” said Jablanovic.

Djuric: EU has lost authority over Pristina (Tanjug)

Marko Djuric, Director of the Office for Kosovo at the Serbian Government, said that Brussels is losing authority over Pristina.

Djuric expressed fear that elections in Kosovo would not only mean waste of time for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, but they also represent continuance of the political radicalization.

Vetevendosje certified as political party (

Central Election Commission (CEC) has approved the request of Vetevendosje movement to certify as a political party.

The decree issued by CEC, notes that this party has fulfilled all the conditions to be certified as political party. Vetevendosje movement had applied to become a political party months ago. After the decision of the CEC, this political party is obliged to hold internal elections within a six month period from the registration date.

Kosovo general elections on 11 June (

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, is expected to decree 11 June as the date for the national elections of Kosovo. reports based on its sources that Thaci is expected to issue the decree today, being that all political parties, excluding Vetevendosje agreed for 11 June to be the date of the new elections.

After the decree, officials of the Central Election Commission are expected to meet and decide on the dates of election campaign and deadlines for submission of the lists by the political parties.

Ismet Beqiri calls on PDK MPs not to vote the motion (

Head of the Parliamentary Group of the Democratic League of Kosovo, Ismet Beqiri, said that the meeting of this parliamentary group with the U.S. Ambassador, Greg Delawie, was substantial, however he did not give any more information about the discussions.

“I can say that the agenda is already set: tomorrow is a motion initiated by the opposition. We said that the points mentioned in the motion are not true,” Beqiri said.

Nationalist and religious ideologies want to use EU's vacuum in Balkans (Lajmi)

The President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci, said after his meeting with the Swedish Foreign Minister, Margot Wallström, that nationalist and religious ideologies want to use EU’s vacuum in Balkans.

“We understand that EU is tired with enlargement. However, the aspiration of Western Balkans countries to become part of the EU, should not suffer due to this tiredness,” Thaci said.

“EU’s delay to approach the region of Western Balkans is threat for security,” Thaci said.

Request for debate on Special Court returned to Assembly Presidency (

The Assembly of Kosovo might hold during the following days a debate for amendment of the Law on the Special Chambers and the Office of the Specialized Prosecutor. The Commission for Legislation has decided to return the request of six MPs for an Assembly debate on the Special Court, to the Assembly Presidency.

Thaci: Serbia’s Russian MIGs are threat for EU, not my statements (

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, responded today to the criticism of the EU officials who consider Thaci’s statement on national unification, a threat for the EU. He said that Serbian nationalism is a threat to the EU and not his statements.

“Serbian nationalism is a threat to the EU. It is Belgrade that is working on destabilization of the region and on installing of powerful Russian impact in Serbia, starting from military bases to Russian MIGs,” Thaci said.