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EU commissioner: Pristina – Belgrade dialogue vital for Kosovo’s future (all media)

The European Union Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement, Johannes Hahn, during his visit to Pristina on Wednesday had separate meetings with Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga, Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli. In a joint press conference with PM Mustafa, Hahn said that the Pristina – Belgrade dialogue is vital for Kosovo’s European future, and that there is still work to be done in regards to visa liberalization.

Gorani seeking participation in the dialogue (KIM radio)

Gorani Citizens' Initiative has asked the Government of Serbia and its negotiating team, to include Gorani into talks on Kosovo.

The statement says that "at this point, Gorani, as the non-Albanian population in Kosovo, in these negotiations no one represents, or anyone protects our interests."

Gorani Citizens Initiative stated that the best example of this is the recent agreement on the judiciary in Kosovo, in which municipality of Gora and Gorani are not even mentioned.

Yee: Kosovo to combat corruption and organized crime (VOA)

The United States Deputy Assistant Secretary, Hoyt Yee, told Voice of America, that Kosovo needs to be more effective in the fight against organized crime and corruption, in order to facilitate economic development that would prevent irregular migration. Yee also said that special court for war crimes would help Kosovo to gain a better reputation in the international community.

U.S. praise the resumption of Pristina – Belgrade dialogue (Koha)

Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga, met on Thursday with United States Deputy Assistant Secretary, Hoyt Yee, with whom she discussed current developments in Kosovo, the normalization of relations with Serbia within the Pristina – Belgrade dialogue and Kosovo’s obligations towards the international community.

Mustafa: The agreement proves extension of sovereignty in justice (Koha online)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, informed today his cabinet on the achievement of the agreement for justice in Brussels. Mustafa said during this meeting that the agreement proves extension of the sovereignty also in this field and that the agreement is an achievement which assures unified system of justice.

Agreement on justice does not violate Kosovo laws (RTK)

RTK reports that the agreement on justice reached in Brussels between Pristina and Belgrade, does not violate any of the current laws in the field of justice. RTK claims to possess a copy of this agreement, which shows that it is in full accordance with Kosovo’s justice system. “Kosovo laws will apply to judicial institutions in accordance with the First Agreement,” it is written in the document published by RTK.

AAK requires transparency for the agreement reached in Brussels (RTKLive)

The chairmanship of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), issued a press release on Wednesday, saying it is essential that the Kosovo government provides transparency and accountability on the agreement on justice, reached between Pristina and Belgrade in Brussels. “AAK expresses its concern about the rush to reach agreement on justice, which resulted in improvisation presented through special quotas and undermining the constitutional order of Kosovo.

Better conditions for Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija (RTS, Tanjug, Blic, Politika)

BELGRADE - Marko Djuric, head of the Serbian government's Office for Kosovo-Metohija, stated on Wednesday that the agreement on judiciary, which was initialed in Brussels on Tuesday, will bring about better conditions for Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija.

Djuric said that for Radio and Television of Serbia that he expects that the agreement will also contribute to the opening of chapters in the EU accession talks.