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Searched house in ownership of Milan Radojcic (Politika, RTS)

Politika reports, citing Pristina's Gazeta Express, that KBS allegedly conducted a search of the house owned by Milan Radojcic and added that Kosovo Police spokesman Daut Hoxha refused to confirm this.

Daily says that the search was carried out on the orders of the prosecution, and within the action in which four Serbs were arrested this morning, three in connection with the murder of Oliver Ivanovic in January this year, and one for interfering with the investigation - according to the Kosovo police.

Markovic, Haradinaj and Ljajic coffee chatt in Budva (Politika, Beta)

Belgrade-based daily Politika reports that the prime ministers of Montenegro and Kosovo, Dusko Markovic and Ramush Haradinaj, and the Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, Rasim Ljajic, took a break in Budva, spending the coffee time together. On the terrace of the hotel "Splendid" were and the Vice President of the FYROM Government, Koco Andjusev, and the President of the Montenegrin Assembly, Ivan Brajovic.

Source: Impossible to end UNMIK without Russia and China (Beta, N1, Politika, Kontakt plus radio)

UN Secretary General can suggest changes to the composition of the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) including the end of the mission, but the decision must be made by the UN Security Council where the five permanent members, including Russia and China, have veto power, Beta news agency learned.

19 years since murder of photo reporter and Politika associate Momir Stokuca (KIM Radio)

Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) and its branch in Kosovo. Association of Journalists of Kosovo and Metohija (DNKiM), reminded that today is 19 years since photo reporter and Politika associate Momir Stokuca, was murdered in his family house in Pristina, that he did not want to leave, KIM Radio reported.

His sister Branka Damjanovic told UNS, the family heard about his murder on TV news.

Vulin calls EU to speak out about Veseli's calls for war and conflict (Blic, N1, Politika, Mondo, Nezavisne Novine)

The Serbian Ministry of Defense announced yesterday that Minister of Defense Aleksandar Vulin assessed that ''Pristina’s politician Kadri Veseli's statement that Nis belongs historically to self-proclaimed Kosovo, and that he will conquer it, represented a call for war and new conflicts'', and urged the EU to declare on that occasion, reports Belgrade based daily Blic.

Politika: Serbia, Kosovo presidents to meet later this month (N1)

The Presidents of Serbia and Kosovo could meet in Brussels late this month before the summer break starts, Belgrade-based daily Politika writes in Monday' edition citing unofficial information.

Presidents Aleksandar Vucic and Hashim Thaci could meet with European Union High Representative Federica Mogherini on or around July 25, the daily reports.

Mogherini’s spokeswoman Maja Kocijancic told Politika that no date has been set for the next high-level meeting.

Pope Francis should come to Serbia, Belgrade FM says (Politika, N1)

Only a day after the Serb Orthodox Church (SPC) Patriarch said it was still not time for the head of the Roman Catholic Church to visit Serbia, the country Foreign Minister said Pope Francis should come.

Ivica Dacic told the Belgrade daily Politika on Wednesday that there would be no better Pope for Serbia and that he believed that the current head of the Roman Catholic Church should visit the country.