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Bytyqi case and truth about the crimes against Serbs are priorities of the Office (Blic)

The newly appointed war crimes prosecutor of the Republic of Serbia, Milan Petrovic said that the priorities of the Prosecutor's Office in the coming period will be a solution to the Bytyqi case, but also intensifying work on cases in which the victims were Serbs. In an interview for Danas, Petrovic said that he will fight to prevent impunity for war crimes and for the respect of the rights of victims of all nationalities. "We will intensify work on cases in which the victims were Serbs.


Ymeri: To ban the Serbian list; Stojanovic: It is hatred towards Serbs (Blic)

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanovic says that the request of the President of the Self-Determination movement to declare the Serbian List as illegal only shows that the Serbs are always the target of bullies. Stojanovic also says that Ymeri made this statement backed by anger and not by arguments.

Janjic: No giving up from A/CSM (Blic)

 President of the Active Serbia Dusan Janjic said that there is no giving up of the Agreement on the Association / Community of Serb municipalities (A/CSM) because it is an international document, to which Pristina committed. "I call on the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, not to impose solutions that are not agreed, and the EU High Representative Federica Mogherini to act and put an end to such behaviour of Pristina," said Janjic.

Van Den Dool: No one ever requested Serbia to recognize Kosovo (Blic)

Ambassador of the Netherlands to Serbia Hendrik Van Den Dool said that "so far no one has requested Serbia" to recognize the independence of Kosovo, following the end of the negotiation process with the EU. The Netherlands assumed presidency of the EU Council in January. In an interview with "Newsweek", the Ambassador  said that such a request cannot be expected, because there are countries in the EU that have still not recognized Kosovo's independence.

Islamists from Kosovo shot at Serb houses before the arrest in Decani (Blic)

The investigation against Islamists arrested in front of Decani Monastery was extended because of the suspicion that two hours before they were arrested, they shot at Serb houses in Klina/Kline. Although Kosovo police strongly denied that the four young men are Islamists and that they were planning an attack the monastery of Visoki Decani, the prosecutor from Pec/Peja was of a different opinion.

Albanians from southern Serbia demand to be involved in the Brussels dialogue (Blic)

Political representatives of Albanians from southern central Serbia have demanded that the Kosovo authorities involve them in the dialogue with Belgrade in Brussels. They seek the same rights as Kosovo Serbs, reported media in Pristina.

President of the National Council of Albanians from the Presevo Valley, Jonuz Musliu together with the heads of the municipalities of Presevo and Bujanovac in Pristina yesterday demanded a mutual solution to the issue of the status of Albanians in the Presevo Valley.

Djuric: Oliver is innocent (Blic)

Verdict to Oliver Ivanovic is deeply unfair. Because of it the fact  is even more apparent that even today no one has been held responsible for thousands of deaths and displaced Serbs from Kosovo.

Thus, in an interview for Blic, Marko Djuric, Director of the Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija, answers the question of where is the justice when Hashim Thaci is walking free, while Ivanovic gets nine years in prison for war crimes.

Oliver Ivanovic sentenced to nine years in prison (Dailies)

Leader of the Civic Initiative SDP Oliver Ivanovic was sentenced to nine years in prison at the proceeding against him and four other Serbs. The trial was briefly interrupted at about 10.20 a.m. due to technical problems with microphones. As the technical issue failed to be resolved, the trial continued without sound half an hour later.

Vucic: I am not optimistic before the resumption of dialogue with Pristina (Blic)

The Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic says that Serbia is ready to continue dialogue with the Pristina authorities but that he is not optimistic because Kosovo officials are not willing to fulfil what has been agreed so far.

- I'm not very optimistic, although we will give all of ourselves ... I am not optimistic because in Pristina are not ready to meet what is the basis of the Brussels agreement - Community of Serbian municipalities - Vucic said at a press conference held in the villa "Bokeljka".