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"I've seen more than ever before, and came back concerned" (B92, Beta, Tanjug)

The Balkans can easily become one of the chessboards where the big power game can be played, EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said on Monday.

Mogherni made the remark following the meeting of EU's Foreign Affairs Council, when a reporter asked how deep the concern was about Russian interference in the Western Balkans - "and to what extent are member-states seeking action in that regard."

Đurić concerned over lack of dialogue between expert teams (RTS, Tanjug)

Belgrade is interested in continuing the dialogue with Pristina, Director of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Đurić said Wednesday at a meeting with members of the EU Council Working Party on Enlargement and Countries Negotiating Accession to the EU (COELA), but he expressed concern over the fact that expert teams had not met in Brussels since November.

Serbia submitted additional documents to the court in Colmar (KIM radio)

The Serbian Justice Ministry forwarded the Court of Appeal in France two days ago additional documents regarding the request for extradition of Ramush Haradinaj, Tanjug learned from the Ministry of Justice.

Documentation of over 100 pages forwarded to the French court at the initiative of the Ministry of Justice.

Nikolic decides to run for reelection (B92/Tanjug)

President of Serbia Tomislav Nikolic will be a candidate in the presidential elections, Sputnik and N1 are reporting. B92 has also unofficially received confirmation of this news from Nikolic's cabinet. According to media reports, the president made the decision on Wednesday evening, as he celebrated his 65th birthday. Earlier, Tanjug was told by sources from his cabinet that they could "neither confirm nor deny" that the president would launch a reelection bid.

BCSP: Three-quarters of surveyed citizens of Serbia supports dialogue with Pristina (Tanjug)

Three-quarters of surveyed citizens of Serbia supports dialogue with Pristina, while only nine percent to stop this process, showed a survey by the Belgrade Centre for Security Policy (BCSP).

According to the same study, which was carried out under the heading "Attitude of citizens of Serbia and security dialogue with Pristina," the majority of citizens, 74 percent, was against the armed conflict in order to preserve Kosovo within Serbia.

Djuric: Association should establish without conditions (RTK)

The director of the so-called Office for Kosovo at the Government of Serbia, Marko Djuric, met today with the UNMIK Chief in Kosovo, Zahir Tanin, with whom he discussed the situation in Kosovo.

According to the Tanjug news agency, Djuric said that Serbia is interested on stabilization of the situation as well as establishment of the Association of the Serb-majority Municipalities without conditions and based on the agreement reached in Brussels.

Vucic: Mogherini needs to react to Pristina's conduct (Tanjug)

Serbian PM Aleksandar Vucic on Thursday urged EU foreign policy and security chief Federica Mogherini and her team to react to Pristina's conduct, noting the EU had clearly said it would react if someone violated the agreement reached in Brussels late Wednesday. "I want her to make it clear that the (Kosovo) Albanian side did that - anything else would mean dodging responsibility", Vucic told reporters in Raska, central Serbia, after a meeting with Kosovo Serb representatives.
