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Nikolic to give mandate to Vucic; Kosovo preamble to stay (B92)

President Tomislav Nikolic has said he will give a mandate to form a new government to SNS leader Aleksandar Vucic.
Speaking on Sunday, he added that if the Serbian Constitution is changed in the future, he knows there will be no change to the preamble that states Kosovo and Metohija is an integral part of Serbia.

"I think I will not even have to hold consultations on a PM-designate as everything depends on whether someone has managed to secure 126 MPs who will vote for a government," he said, according to Tanjug.

Vucic: Serbia will challenge the UEFA’s decision on Kosovo (Tanjug)

Serbia will take all legal measures to challenge the decision of European football's governing body UEFA to admit Kosovo as its member, leader of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) Aleksandar Vucic said.

What happened in Budapest, when UEFA accepted Kosovo as its member, is in contravention of the Statutes. We will take legal action to challenge the decision, he told reporters at the SNS headquarters on Wednesday evening.

Vulin: UNSC must say whether Resolution 1244 is still valid (Tanjug)

It has once again become evident that some precedents apply to Serbia, Serbian government Minister Aleksandar Vulin said after Kosovo was admitted to UEFA on Tuesday, adding that he expects the UN Security Council to say whether its Resolution 1244 on Kosovo is still valid.

The consequences of Kosovo joining European football's governing body will be unforeseeable and it is only a matter of time before someone else invokes the precedent and UEFA's violation of its own statute, he told Tanjug.

Shots fired at a Serb home in Klina/Kline municipality (Tanjug)

Unknown perpetrators fired shots last night at a Serb house in the Rudica village in Kosovo, Klina/ Kline municipality, Tanjug learned from the sources at Kosovo's Ministry for Return and Communities.

No one was injured in the attack on Zarko Siljkovic's family home. The incident has been reported to the Kosovo Police.

At the time of the incident two people, father and son, were  in the house. The material damage was caused by bullets that hit the wall of the house.

Djuric: Agreements on ID cards, trucks, elections (Tanjug, Alo, Blic, KIM radio, Politika)

Director of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric said early on Wednesday that, after more than 18 hours of talks with the representatives of Pristina, agreements had been reached on ID cards, the crossing of trucks, visits of the Serbian officials to Kosovo and the elections.

Mayors of four municipalities condemn Pristina's decision (KIM radio, KoSSev,Tanjug)

The mayors of four municipalities in northern Kosovo on Saturday described the recent announcement of Pristina, on the ban of use of Serbian ID cards at the administrative crossings, as a threat of violence. They say that the Serbs will block the Jarinje and Brnjak crossings if the decision is implemented.

Serbia and Russia "cooperating successfully in all areas" (B92, Tanjug)

Serbia-Russia relations are developing successfully in all areas, Russian FM Sergei Lavrov and his Serbian counterpart Ivica Dacic agreed on Friday.

Russia is "one of Serbia's most important strategic partners and Belgrade is thankful to Moscow for its support in international organisations on the issue of Kosovo," TASS quoted Dacic as saying before his meeting with Lavrov in Moscow.

PM Vucic to visit Kosovo on April 3 (B92, Politika, Tanjug, Blic)

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic will visit Kosovo on Sunday, April 3.

Head of the Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric made the announcement on Wednesday.

"This is big and important news for all citizens, particularly for those in Kosovo and Metohija. The prime minister will visit Kosovo and Metohija on Sunday, April 3, to meet with Trepca miners and visit Zubin Potok and Kosovska Mitrovica," Djuric told state broadcaster RTS.

2004 pogrom against Kosovo Serbs commemorated (Dailies)

The 12th anniversary of the March Pogrom against Kosovo-Metohija Serbs was commemorated at the National Theatre in Belgrade and the Gracanica cultural centre on Thursday.

Serbian Minister of Labour, Employment and Veteran and Social Affairs Aleksandar Vulin gave a speech at the theatre after the screening of a film documenting the events of March 17, 2004.

Nothing - or very little - has been done in Kosovo-Metohija without orders, and neither did the March Pogrom, Vulin noted.


Djuric: We support the Serbs in Kosovo, Vucic to visit Kosovo soon (Blic, Tanjug)

Head of the Serbian government's Office for Kosovo and Metohija (KiM), Marko Djuric said in Zubin Potok, northern Kosovo, on Tuesday, that Serbia would continue to fund its institutions in Kosovo and that Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic would visit the province soon.

During a visit he paid to the municipality, Djuric said that Serbia would continue to fund all its institutions in Kosovo and that it would continue to provide their services as before.