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"Absolutely inadmissible" - Moscow reacts to Albanian PM (B92, Sputnik, Tanjug)

Russia considers unacceptable the statement made by Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama about Kosovo being "a part of Albania."

This was stated by Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova last Friday.
At a regular press briefing, Zakharova said that Russia cannot remain without comment on this statement. Rama also said that "unification of Kosovo and Albania is not 'plan B' but 'plan A'," Sputnik is reporting.

Popovic: The whole Kosovo is Serbia, not a meter less (RTS, Tanjug)

Minister Nenad Popovic responded to yesterday's statement by Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, stating that the idea of a "delineation of Kosovo" cannot be an official policy because it is contrary to the Constitution.

"I'm glad that Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, in just 24 hours, changed his mind on the idea of 'delineation', and he no longer claims that such an idea is an official state policy, but says it is a proposal of some state officials,'' Popovic says in a statement delivered to Tanjug.

Izetbegovic: "If Serbia recognizes Kosovo, all radars will turn towards BiH" (Tanjug, B92,

Bakir Izetbegovic, president of the Party of Democratic Action (SDA), told Voice of America that he believes that in case Serbia recognizes Kosovo's independence, all radars will turn to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Izetbegovic commented on the possible outcome of Belgrade-Pristina relations, but also the relationship between BiH and Kosovo, and sees the only link between Kosovo and BiH in that "the same side that has done the violence against Albanians on Kosovo, and in BiH against the Bosniaks ".

''Billboards in North Mitrovica warn of 11-year-long occupation'' (Tanjug, N1)

Billboards saying ‘11 years of occupation 17.2.2008-17.2.2019.’ appeared in the northern part of the divided town of Mitrovica, on the day when Pristina authorities are marking 11th years after Kosovo declared independence from Serbia.

The northern part of the town is where the Serbs create a majority and whose local authorities are loyal to Belgrade.

The billboards painted in black also show two white-coloured hands in handcuffs.

Serbian President Vucic: "Pristina will withdraw taxes, but we paid high price" (B92, Beta, Tanjug)

Pristina will withdraw taxes on goods from central Serbia sooner or later, President Aleksandar Vucic said, but also stressed that this cost Serbia a lot.

Asked by journalists in Davos to comment on Avni Arifi, the head of the Ramush Haradinaj's cabinet, who said that the government in Pristina could temporarily suspend taxes (pending a comprehensive agreement with Belgrade), Vucic noted in a statement for Serbia’s national broadcaster RTS that this would happen sooner or later.

Dacic responds to Pacolli: Serbia's only weapon is truth (Vecernje Novosti, B92, Tanjug)

Truth is the only "weapon" that Serbia uses to convince other countries to withdraw recognition of the unilaterally proclaimed independence of Kosovo.

Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic told Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti.

He thus reacted to the assertion of Kosovo Foreign Minister Behgjet Pacolli that he had "knowledge" of Belgrade "promising financial support and arms" to some smaller countries in return for revoking their recognition of Kosovo.

Yuri Ushakov: Vladimir Putin will set out Moscow's position on Kosovo tomorrow (NSPM, Tanjug, TASS, Vecernje Novosti, RTS)

Russian President Vladimir Putin will announce the position of Moscow on Kosovo in the course of the talks in Belgrade, reports the NSPM portal.

"This position is clear, consistent and based on international and legal frameworks, including those contained in UN Security Council Resolution 1244," said Yuriy Ushakov, Aide to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin.

Del Ponte: It's too late for the truth about the crimes in Kosovo (Blic, Tanjug, KIM radio, RTV Puls)

Former Chief Prosecutor of the ICTY, Carla del Ponte, says that it has been a long time since the crimes in Kosovo, and that she does not expect the Special Court to reach the truth and to satisfy justice, reports Serbian media, quoting Serbian state news agency Tanjug.

"It's too late to establish the truth about the crimes committed in Kosovo, and especially about the Yellow House. We tried then to do it, but we did not manage,'' Del Ponte told state news agency Tanjug in a telephone conversation.

Minister Nenad Popovic: Putin will bring a message that will encourage Serbs in KiM (Tanjug)

Russian President Vladimir Putin will certainly bring a message that will encourage all Serbs in Kosovo, Minister of Innovation and Technological Development Nenad Popovic told state news agency Tanjug.

He says Putin will certainly say that Kosovo, for Russia is an inseparable part of Serbia and will continue to support UN Security Council Resolution 1244.

Vecernje Novosti: "Nice was destroying evidence, Carla Del Ponte knew it too" (B92, Tanjug, Blic)

As Hague Prosecutor Geoffrey Nice played a role in destroying the evidence related to trafficking in human organs, in the "Yellow House case."

This is according to Branislav Tapuskovic, who at the time participated in the proceedings before the Hague Tribunal, and who now told Belgrade daily Vecernje Novosti that former Chief Hague Prosecutor Carla del Ponte also spoke about this in the past.