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Kosovo Army again on agenda of Pristina (Vesti)

The attempt of Pristina to push an amendment on the formation of a new army of Kosovo together with other constitutional amendments causes destabilization of the region, claim the interlocutors of Sputnik.

According to Aleksandar Jablanović, president of the Serbian List, the intention of forming new armed forces in the region is especially dangerous because that armed formation should be composed of people whose past is controversial (former KLA members).

Drsnik: KP forced Serb returnee to admit the robbery, which he did not commit (Vesti)

Borislav Dabizljevic from village Drsnik, Klina / Kline municipality claims that he was under the pressure of Kosovo police to admit that he broke into the church and desecrated it, though he has nothing to do with this incident.

According to him, the Police are acting that way, because the Albanian neighbours are urging them: “I'm one of the first returnees in Drsnik village. Someone would like to libel me and thus attribute all the thefts, breaks into Serbian houses and beating up of elderly returnees to us, Serbs,” told Dabizljevic to Srna.


More Brussels talks, less Serbs in Kosovo (Vesti online)

Serbs are not surprised by the fact that after Pristina’s insistence the issue of the "Peace Park", which is located between the northern (Serbian) and southern (Albanian) Mitrovica, was discussed in the Brussels, although it was not part of the Brussels Agreement.

The aim of the Albanians is to put aside establishment of the Community / Association of Serbian Municipalities, and it's already known that its jurisdiction will be according to the Ahtisaari plan – which is symbolic.


Fields harvested by unknown persons (Vesti)

Radomir Vučković from Gnjilane/Gjilan owns 4,5 hectares of arable land and 8 hectares of woods in village Vrbica. By the papers he is a rich person, however he is homeless and lives in the premises of the former cooperative in Šilovo, because his property is usurped.

Kosovo Property Agency has confirmed Vuckovic’s ownership, however prosecution and police claim for years that there are no usurpers of his property.


The Assembly of Kosovo and Metohija to Vucic: Stop negotiations with Mustafa (Vesti)

Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija in a letter to Serbian Prime Minister protested against his creation of situation in the country as dramatic and expressed concern that it is about "preparing public opinion for new concessions which will mean a total surrender of Kosovo and Metohija."

A problem of medicines and medical supplies for the Health Centre in North Mitrovica (Vesti)

Health Centre in Mitrovica will face serious problems unless it integrates into the Kosovo system, because it can remain very quickly without drugs and medical supplies which mainly are from Serbia.

The situation is further exacerbated as of the 1st of June by the decision of the Government of Kosovo which says that this institution can be supplied with medicines and medical supplies only through humanitarian supplies or licensing-integration into Kosovo's health system.

Zubin Potok ecological zone (Vesti)

Councillors in Zubin Potok have unanimously decided that the municipalities in northern Kosovo, known for its vast expanse and extremely valuable natural resources, in future will be an ecological zone and the mountain Mokra Gora protected zone.

In Zubin Potok have undertaken such a step in order to preserve and improve the environment, which, as emphasized in the special Declaration adopted by the councillors, is severely compromised, especially with illegal felling of trees and theft of forest that runs from 1999.

Government of Serbia for the revision of Resolution 1244? (Vesti)

Resolution 1244 could be the subject of the "revision", at the request of the Serbian government, said Marko Jaksic, vice president of the Democratic Party of Serbia. He says the president of the Serbian government "misused" the recent visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov to Serbia and has asked him to consider "new angles" of this Resolution.

Albanians attacked a Serb near Klina (Vesti)

In the village Grabac in Klina municipality was beaten Kosovo Serb Rados Magic, while trying to expel from his field livestock which belong to Albanians from the neighbouring villages.Magic suffered minor injuries of back and arms. He received medical assistance in the Pec/Peja hospital.Police detained the suspects, reported Radio Television of Kosovo in the Serbian language.The case was forwarded to the Prosecutor's Office and the competent police authorities have taken all necessary measures, said a police spokesman.