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Kuburovic: ''I'm afraid the court for the KLA crimes will remain a 'dead letter'''(KIM radio, Vecernje Novosti)

Serbian Justice Minister Nela Kuburovic expressed her fear that the KLA Special War Crimes Tribunal, on which the EU insists, would remain "a dead letter on paper", reports Serbian media.

"I am not sure how much that court will come to life at all, because for so long the indictments have been announced, but nothing is happening," Kuburovic told Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti, reports KIM Radio.

Support of the Serb National Council to the Serbs in Kosovo (KIM radio)

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister and Minister in resignation Minister Dalibor Jevtic met in Zagreb with representatives of the Serb National Council, headed by Milorad Pupovac, reports KIM radio.

As announced by the Ministry of Communities and Return, Pupovac expressed his support to Jevtic as well as solidarity with the people living in Kosovo.

"This support is sincere and you can count on our support anywhere and at any time," said Pupovac.

Pacolli: "We're working on the ZSO, but I'm not sure it will be until the 20th" (KIM radio, Blic)

Kosovo Foreign Minister Behgjet Pacolli told Belgrade based daily Blic that the Kosovo government is working to form the Community/Association of Serb municipalities (ZSO).

However, he says, he cannot predict whether the ZSO will be formed for three weeks, that is, until April 20th.

Electricity to House of Culture in Gracanica shut down (KIM Radio)

Electricity to House of Culture in Gracanica was shut down today, despite electricity bills being paid, KIM Radio reported.

As the House of Culture in Gracanica announced this is the third time that the electricity is shut down in the last half a year, which prevents normal functioning of this cultural institution.

Jevtic: We are not interested in demarcation at present (KIM radio)

Deputy Prime Minister Dalibor Jevtic says in the Show 'Dogovor' of the RTV KIM that  despite the pressure, the Serbian List remains at the position not to vote for the ratification of the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro, because, as he says, at present representatives of this Serbian party are not interested in it.

He also says that a meeting with the Speaker of Parliament Kadri Veseli did not happen two days ago, as the Albanian media reported, reports KIM radio.

Orahovac: A series of burglaries and robberies of Serbian houses (KIM radio)

Serbian media based in Kosovo reports that during the past several nights four Serbian houses were looted in the upper part of Orahovac and that the cases were reported to the Kosovo police.

The remaining Serbs in Orahovac are upset with these latest series of burglaries and ask what else should happen in order to take concrete preventive measures to protect Serbian property that is exposed to attacks on a daily basis and the perpetrators are never found, reports KIM radio.

Classes in primary school in Gracanica in dining room, hallway, and teachers' room (KIM radio)

The building of the elementary school in Gracanica, Kralj Milutin (King Milutin), beside the pupils of that school, is a place and for pupils of two secondary schools as well as the pupils of elementary music school, reports KIM radio.

The director of this school, Vladimir Milkic, told KIM Radio that this situation lasts since 1999, and that often happens that certain classes take place in the dining room, the hallway and teachers' room.

He says that there are currently 714 pupils and that there are classes with 35 pupils.