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Suvi Do: Six families affected by the theft (KIM Radio)

Six families, five Serbian and one Albanian, were affected by a theft in village Suvi Do near Lipljan/Lipjan, Živojin Nastić one of the affected residents from the village said to RTV KIM.

Nastić said that the value of the stolen items from his family, and of his two brothers, amounts to EUR 6000.

Affected families have reported the case to Kosovo Police, however Nastić voiced his doubts that the case will be resolved, since thefts have occurred and before but perpetrators were not found.

Kovrage: Bomb thrown at the house of Nikolić family (KIM Radio)

The house of Nikolić family from village Kovrage near Istok/Istog was not burglarized as previously reported in media yesterday, instead a bomb was thrown at the house, web portal Ikos. rs reports.

According to information available to this web portal, Kosovo Police first suspected that the house was burglarized, however after the investigation they concluded that a bomb has exploded and caused serious material damage to the house.


Istok/Istog: Unemployment and property usurpation the biggest problems of Serbs (KIM radio)

The Serbian List MPs visited the municipality of Istok/Istog where they met with local representatives and the return officer Vesna Maliković.

As announced by the Serbian List, usurpation of land and unemployment are the biggest problems faced by Serbs living in this municipality.

Marić: More information about the Ski Centre Brezovica in the following days (KIM radio)

Ljubomir Marić, Minister of Local Self-Government, said that today was the deadline for the French-Andorran consortium to submit the necessary bank guarantees for the previously signed contract for the construction of ski centre in Brezovica.

Under the contract, the consortium MDP Consulting should provide 163 million euros to build a new ski centre in Brezovica.

Family Bytyqi about the investigation (KiM radio)

In an e-mail that legal representatives of family Bytyqi sent to the US agency AP was stated that "despite repeated requests they didn’t receive any new information from Serbian authorities regarding this case." As stated, the family is blaming Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić for that, because he didn’t fulfill a promise that the suspects will be brought to justice.


Simić: CI SDP is not the same as before (KiM radio)

"CI SDP is no longer a political party as it was, at the time when Mr Oliver Ivanović led it. We, municipal councillors, are not the only people who left the party. Huge numbers of people who had been on the list for councillors and other prominent members also abandoned the party, but the public still does not know it,” said Igor Simić, former member of the CI SDP.  When asked who is to blame, Simić says that he cannot talk individually, because those are "some internal things."

Serbian National Forum: Who gave a mandate to Stojanović to lead discussion on army? (KIM radio)

The Serbian National Forum (SNF) expresses its concern regarding the statement of Branimir Stojanović that the "Serbian List is ready to discuss the establishment of Kosovo's armed forces only through official meetings and not via the media."

The SNF is asking ''who gave a mandate to Branimir Stojanović to lead the talks on establishment of the Kosovo's army? "