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Minister wants "urgent meeting" with EULEX, KFOR (TV Pink, TV Most,B92)

BELGRADE -- Interior Minister Nebojša Stefanović says he has requested an urgent meeting with representatives of EULEX and KFOR after the killing of a Serbian policeman.

The officer, Stevan Sinđelić from MUP's Gendarmerie unit, died on Thursday after he was shot in the head by suspected Albanian timber thieves, in the Ground Safety Zone between Kosovo and central Serbia.

16 years on, kidnappers of Serb journalists still not found (B92, Tanjug)

August 21 marks the 16th anniversary since the kidnapping in 1998 of two Serb journalists near Orahovac, in Kosovo.

 The Serbian Government Office for Kosovo issued a statement on this occasion to warn that the kidnappers of Radio Priština's Đuro Slavuj and Ranko Pereneć have not been found yet.

Those who, for the second consecutive year, removed a memorial set up by the Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) and the Association of Journalists of Kosovo and Metohija (DNKiM) for their missing colleagues, have not been found either, the office said on Wednesday.


Making link between EU and Nazis abhorrent - spokesman (B92, Tanjug)

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA -- Stickers proclaiming the EU mission in Kosovo was the enemy of the Serb people and calling on it "to go home" have appeared in Kosovska Mitrovica.

The messages, plastered on traffic signs across Kosovska Mitrovica overnight, show the EULEX logo and the swastika, along with the message, "EULEX - enemy of the Serb people. "

Some of the stickers read "EULEX go home," and also appeared at several locations in the town of Zubin Potok, also in northern Kosovo.

"The author" of the posters is unknown, Tanjug reported.

Nikolic: We would lose friends by taking sides (B92, Tanjug)

 Tomislav Nikolić says he wishes to see an end to hostilities in Ukraine, "not only because of Serbia's specific position - but for the sake of people there."

 "If they reach an agreement, it will be for the good of the people. If not, then it will be bad for the people, people in eastern Ukraine will suffer, it's obvious. I had a chance how people suffer on the example of the former Yugoslavia and what it's like when big (powers) get involved and start deciding alone on someone's fate."

PM "has no information" about "Brussels 2" (B92)

PM Aleksandar Vučić says he has "no information about a new Brussels agreement," while he is "always ready to go to Brussels and continue the dialogue."

"I'm always ready to go to Brussels, we are very committed to continuing the dialogue with the Albanians, with whom we have no problem. The only problem is that they do not have a government," the prime minister said, referring to the post-election deadlock in Priština.

Government "ready to provide legal guarantees" (Tanjug/B92)

BELGRADE -- Serbia is ready to provide all legal guarantees for the defense of Oliver Ivanović, Serbian Government Office for Kosovo Director Marko Đurić has told Tanjug.
"Our position on the inadmissibility and the harmfulness of the six months of baseless custody for Ivanović without charge is known, and on the fact that previous guarantees of the government of the Republic of Serbia were ignored," Đurić said.
