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Djuric: Peace Park stays on bridge in Kosovska Mitrovica (Tanjug)

Director of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) Marko Djuric stated that the Peace Park built by the Kosovska Mitrovica Serbs will remain until further notice on the bridge over the Ibar River which connects the northern (Serb-populated) part and the southern (ethnic Albanian) part of the city in northern KiM.

Protest in Zubin Potok: Serbs may leave Kosovo institutions (International Radio Serbia)

 The political representatives of Kosovo Serbs have stated at the protest rally in Zubin Potok, northern Kosovo, that they are pondering collective resignation from the Kosovo institutions if the arrests of the Serbs in the Province are continued. They have called upon the international community and EULEX to immediately and unconditionally enable all the unjustly indicted Serbs to be released pending trial, otherwise they will be forced to consider the possibility of terminating the cooperation with EULEX.

Vulovic: This way they are trying to discredit us (Vesti)

By order of the EULEX prosecutor, Kosovo police last Tuesday attempted to serve summons for questioning to the mayor of Zubin Potok Stevan Vulovic and former president of the municipality Slavisa Ristic. Apparently, Vulovic is charged with organizing the escape of Slobodan Sovrlic from the police station in the village, and Ristic, as speculated, was called in for questioning due to several things, among others, for his involvement in organizing the barricades.


Serbs to hold protest in Zubin Potok on Monday (Tanjug, RTS)

ZUBIN POTOK - A protest under the slogan “We are all the same, who of us is next?” will be held in Zubin Potok, northern Kosovo, on Monday over the ungrounded threats of arrests to Serbs, the management team for establishing a community of Serb municipalities in Kosovo-Metohija has stated.

Zubin Potok Mayor Stevan Vulovic told Tanjug that members of Kosovo police tried last week to serve him with a summons, issued by a EULEX prosecutor, but he was not at home.

Rakic does not give up Peace Park barricade (

Goran Rakic, Mayor of Mitrovica North municipality, stated that the decision of Mitrovica North Municipal Assembly for construction of the “Peace Park” at the area from the bridge at River Iber/Ibar to the “Bosniacka Mahalla” will not be annulled.

He has denied the statements of the Minister for Environment and Spatial Planning, Dardan Gashi, that there is a signed memorandum that suspends construction of squares in the north, reported KTV.

Barricade at River Iber/Ibar bridge to be discussed tomorrow in Pristina (indeksonline)

Experts from the Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning, Ministry for Local Government and those from Mitrovica North and South, will meet on Tuesday in Pristina. The news was confirmed for Radio Free Europe by the Minister for Environment and Urban Planning, Dardan Gashi.

North Kosovo Serbs, Albanians, Erect Rival Monuments (Balkan Insight)

Albanians and Serbs individed northern Kosovo are marking out their respectives territories by erecting rival monuments named after their respective heroes.

Ethnic Albanians have responded to the construction of a new "Tsar Lazar" square on the main bridge of the divided town of Mitrovica in northern Kosovo by erecting concrete constructions of their own.

After legislative amendments, establishment of the ZSO (RTK2)

“No matter which political option will form the government, the Serbian List has decided to take part in the government. The priority of the Serbian List will be work, in order to achieve the interests of the Serbian community,” says Dragan Jablaniović, a member of the team for the implementation of the Brussels agreement.