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Albanians build also "KLA" square in the north (KosovaPress)

Albanian residents of the north have constructed another square called “UÇK” (KLA), in Mitrovica North. They finished their works last night at around 22:30 hours.

They set six concrete vases and the national flag at the “Three Skyscrapers” road which leads to Suhodoll.

A resident told KosovaPress that the vases were put in a position which would not block the traffic completely, in order not to tension the fragile situation in Mitrovica.

“Adem Jashari” square built in Mitrovica North (kosovapress)

Members of Albanian community in northern Kosovo, built last night “Adem Jashari” square at “Bosniacka Mahalla,” in Mitrovica North.

They worked for approximately three hours at this square, building a concrete vase with a diameter 1.5 meters at the main square in “Bosniacka Mahala,” and ended their works at around 2:30 a.m.

Adem Jashari Square (KiM Radio)

In Bosnjacka Mahala, in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, was set a huge concrete block with a board on which is written the name of KLA leader Adem Jashari. It is assumed that it was a response to building the Square “Tzar Lazar”, near the main bridge in Kosovska Mitrovica. 

On the block was set the mast with Albanian flag and is written in Albanian "Shesi Adem Jashari" which means "Square Adem Jashari". A large concrete block partially obstructs traffic in this multi-ethnic part of town, because it was set in the middle of the crossroad.

No solution for the problem in Brdjani (RTK2)

The ban for the construction of houses in Brdjani, in North Mitrovica, remains in force after meeting which mayors of the southern and northern part of Mitrovica hold. 

Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning, Dardan Gashi met with the mayors of North and South Mitrovica Goran Rakic and Agim Bahtiri to solve the problem related to the "controversial" building of houses in Brdjani. However, the meeting did not result in any concrete agreement, reads a statement of the Ministry. 

Djuric says the “Peace Park” barricade is permanent (Koha)

Director of Office for Kosovo in the Government of Serbia, Marko Djuric, at the construction of the “Tsar Lazar” square in the northern part of Mitrovica said that “all citizens of Serbia and of Serb nationality living in Kosovo have no reasons to be afraid from Pristina’s threats heard several days ago from Edita Tahiri”.

According to him, threats about destroying the “Peace Park” do not contribute to resolution of the problem. He said the “Peace Park” is a permanent category and will remain where it is and noted that all problems need to be resolved through dialogue.

Hodzic: Rakic acting as head of Administrative Office (Tanjug)

  The Administrative Office for Northern Mitrovica will be integrated into new municipal administration set up after the previous local elections, Office Head Adrijana Hodzic stated.

“The Administrative Office is the cornerstone for the future municipality of Northern Mitrovica. There is a system, there is staff and all employees will be transferred to the municipality of Northern Mitrovica,” Hodzic said in a programme 'Slobodno Srpski' (Speak Serbian freely) broadcast by the Serb TV network in Kosovo-Metohija.

Northern Municipality of Mitrovica to move at the Administrative Office (KosovaPress)

Chief of the Administrative Office in Mitrovica North, Adriana Hodzic, announced that this office will integrate in the new municipal administration, which derived from the latest local elections.

She told KosovaPress that the Administrative Office is basis for the future municipality of Mitrovica North.

According to her, no one should be surprised if the headquarters of the Mitrovica North municipality transfers at the current premises of the Administrative Office soon.

Serbs to be released pending trial (TV Most)

Representatives of the Serbian National Council of Northern Kosovo and Metohija submitted today a petition signed by 18,000 citizens of Kosovo and Metohija requiring the arrested Serbs to be released pending trial.

"The arrested Serbs, Dragoljub Delibasic, Oliver Ivanovic, Radovan Radic and others must be insured the right to a fair trial and the possibility to prove their innocence while released pending trial," says the letter, delivered along with the petition to the Head of EULEX Mission Bernd Borchardt and Special Representative of the UN Secretary General Farid Zarif.

The road in Brdjani unblocked (Blic)

The road in Brdjani in North Mitrovica was unblocked after an hour.

Deputy President of the Municipal Assembly of Mitrovica North, Emir Azemi said that this morning the Albanians began to build in Brdjani. Soon, people who identified themselves as building inspectors appeared and requested them to stop the works, what caused revolt and blockade.

On the spot were present members of the Kosovo police, after which arrived KFOR and EULEX members.

 The blockade was finished without incidents.