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Oroshi: Why Rada Trajkovic was not invited as witness in Oliver Ivanovic murder investigation? (KIM Radio)

Regardless of intentions to present that criminal groups are behind the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, Kosovo based long-term journalist Violeta Oroshi thinks his murder is a political, KIM Radio reported.

“Political segments are behind this murder, regardless of who has carried out the very act of the murder,” Oroshi, who is a German WDR Radio correspondent said, KIM Radio added.

Jankovic, Djuric on Oliver Ivanovic murder (Tanjug, B92)

Members of the opposition Free Citizens Movement (PSG) gathered on Saturday in front of the Serbian Presidency to mark five months since the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, Serbian media reported.

They have gathered to ask the state and its bodies who have murdered Serb politician from Kosovo.

Leader of the Movement, Sasa Jankovic also participated in a gathering, did not want to give the statements to the media and was responding to every journalists’ question with a question “Who has murdered Oliver Ivanovic?”

Closest friends and family pay tribute to Oliver Ivanovic (KoSSev)

Members of the family, colleagues, supporters and citizens on Saturday, 16 June in Mitrovica North laid flowers and lighted candles on the spot where leader of Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice (GI SDP), Oliver Ivanovic was murdered five months ago, KoSSev portal reported.

Killers and those who have ordered the killing have not been found yet, KoSSev recalled.

Oliver Ivanovic is a political victim: Authorities prefer his murder is not spoken about in public (KoSSev, RTV KIM)

"Many know who is behind the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, but it is a political trade. Everyone is silent. Many behave as if nothing has happened. Nobody wants the murderer to be found because there would be a lot of dirty laundry.“

These were the comments of the previously most influential leader of Serbs from North Kosovo, Marko Jaksic, a leader of Serb European Movement and a Professor at the Faculty of Medicine in North Mitrovica, Rada Trajkovic, and journalist and author of „Slobodno srpski“, Budimir Nicic, regarding the murder of Oliver Ivanovic.

Jevtic: We came to US to realistically present problems of Serbs (Tanjug, B92)

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Communities and Returns, Dalibor Jevtic said the aim of the visit to Washington is to realistically present problems of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, Serbian media reported.

Jevtic with Srpska Lista delegation is paying a visit to the USA, where he will speak about recent incidents against Serbs and their properties in Kosovo.

Cuoci: Belgrade and Pristina together in investigation of Oliver Ivanovic murder (KIM Radio, Slobodno srpski)

KFOR Commander, Major-General Salvatore Cuoci said in Slobodno srpski talk show that KFOR did not take part in the investigation of Oliver Ivanovic murder, but it is ready to get involved if asked. General Cuoci said in security aspects for the entire region, it would be very important to resolve this murder.

He further added, so far KFOR did not receive any request for support regarding Ivanovic murder investigation, and he remains certain that the prosecution and police actively work on finding evidences and resolving this case.

Oliver Ivanovic street at next MA session? (Danas)

Mitrovica North Municipal Assembly did not consider a petition submitted by CI Freedom, Democracy, Justice (GI SDP) at its session on Friday afternoon, as earlier announced by the Serbian media, due to “technical reasons.”

Municipal Assembly Chairperson, Dejan Guresic told this Danas daily, adding that a street would be named after Ivanovic, at the next session, which is not scheduled yet.

Kosovo Prosecution: There were no talks with prosecutor Dolovac (KoSSev, Danas)

Kosovo Prosecution, refuted media reports on the meeting between Serbian State Prosecutor, Zagorka Dolovac and Kosovo Chief Prosecutor, Aleksandar Lumezi, and that topic of the meeting was an investigation of Oliver Ivanovic murder, Serbian media reported.

Kosovo Prosecution said in a written statement a regional roundtable was held in Zagreb on 24 May, including participants from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, including also USA Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Dolovac in Pristina over Oliver Ivanovic murder (Danas)

Serbian State Prosecutor, Zagorka Dolovac spoke with representative of the Kosovo Special Prosecution, in a meeting of regional prosecutors, organized in Pristina by US Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Danas daily unofficially learned from diplomatic sources.

The meeting between Dolovac and Kosovo Special Prosecution representative happened with the mediation of Attorney Sessions, and one of the topics discussed was the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, leader of Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice (GI SDP).

GI SDP: Bozovic met with Soltes (Radio kontakt plus)

Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice, (GI SDO) deputy leader Ksenija Bozovic met with the European Parliament Rapporteur for Kosovo, Igor Soltes, and one of the topics discussed was Oliver Ivanovic murder investigation, Kontakt plus radio reported.

Bozovic said the meeting was short but constructive and her assessment is that Soltes is very well informed about political developments in Kosovo and all the issues Serbs are facing.