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Constitutional Court overturns appointment of Supreme Court president (Kallxo)

Kosovo’s Constitutional Court has overturned appointment of Enver Peci to head the Supreme Court and called on the judicial council to launch a new hiring process.  The decision came after Valdete Daka, currently head of the Central Election Commission (CEC), submitted a complaint to the Constitutional Court claiming that Peci’s appointment was marred with irregularities.

NATO comments on KSF law (Kallxo)

The news website quotes NATO officials as saying that NATO will support the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) within its current mandate. NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu told Kallxo: “as the NATO Secretary General said during his recent visit to Pristina, NATO supports the development of the Kosovo Security Force within its current mandate”. Lungescu added that NATO does not decide on the structure, mandate or mission of the KSF. “This is an internal matter for Kosovo’s institutions and in line with their constitutional rights ...


Preliminary autopsy report for Astrit Dehari by end of this week (Kallxo)

Syle Hoxha, chief prosecutor at the Basic Prosecution in Prizren, told the news website that the preliminary autopsy report for Vetevendosje activist Astrit Dehari, who was recently found dead in yet-unresolved circumstances in jail, will be available by the end of the week. “We are waiting for the autopsy results and the expertise from the forensics lab. We are expecting the preliminary results by the end of the week … We are also very close to collecting evidence and other facts related to the case,” Hoxha said.

EULEX judge considers Trepca law to be unconstitutional (Kallxo/Telegrafi) reports that an EULEX judge from the Kosovo’s Supreme Court Special Chamber has claimed that the law on Trepca mining complex is unconstitutional for two reasons, both relating to the fundamental right to property. The judge has addressed the Constitutional Court asking it to once again review the legality of the Trepca Law and annul it. The judge maintained that the economic goal of the Trepca Law was to take over the assets from the socially-owned enterprise to the newly-created shareholders association but the latter takes over no obligations.

Prosecution confirms police raids and arrests over bomb attack on Assembly (media)

Pristina-based news website Lajmi reports that six activists of the Vetevendosje Movement, have been arrested today over recent violent acts, such as the throwing bombs at the Kosovo Assembly and the Radio Television of Kosovo. Vetevendosje spokesman Frasher Krasniqi is also believed to be among those arrested. According to the news website, relatives of Vetevendosje leader Visar Ymeri are also among those arrested. They were reportedly found with arms and ammunition.

Albanian graves near Çakorr damaged (Kallxo)

The news website reports on the demolition of some Albanian graves 4.8 kilometers from Çakorr. Avdi Nokshiqi told the news website that around 40 Albanian graves are located in the place called Qafa e Vraçevës and that they were damaged with firearms and other tools. Nokshiqi said his son notified Montenegrin Police about the incident and that the latter went to the site on August 16. The news website wrote to Montenegrin Police about the incident but received no reply.


Kadaj-Bujupi: Demarcation deal in the Assembly this week (Kallxo)

Vetëvendosje MP Donika Kadaj-Bujupi said today in Pristina that the demarcation deal with Montenegro will be submitted to the Kosovo Assembly this week. “We are receiving official information that it will be submitted for ratification this week,” Kadaj-Bujupi told reporters in Pristina today. She added that the Vetëvendosje Movement will use all means to stop the ratification of the demarcation deal. Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) MP Vjosa Osmani said calling an extraordinary session of the Assembly to ratify the deal is a hasty decision.

Youth basketball camp sets off in Gërmia Park (

A junior basketball tournament organised by the OSCE has started yesterday in the Gërmia Park in Pristina. OSCE deputy head of mission in Kosovo, Paivi Nikander, said the event is aimed at uniting young basketball players of different communities. “I believe the joint commitment of all and the will and youth enthusiasm will lead to a common goal and commitment towards a direct and sincere dialogue above any religious, community, or language identity”, said Nikander.


Konjufca: Radical actions if government sends agreements to the Assembly (Kallxo)

Vetevendosje parliamentary group chief, Glauk Konjufca, said in an interview for the news site that “there will be radical actions” if the government decides to send the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro and the agreement on the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities to the Assembly for ratification. “Boycotting the work of the Assembly is becoming counter-productive.