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Rama: United under the European flag (Kallxo/RTK)

At the third joint meeting between the governments of Kosovo and Albania, Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, said Albanians will become united under the European flag. He said that neither Albanians nor the Balkans can enter the EU “fragmented”. He said remarkable progress has been made in the cooperation between Kosovo and Albania since the joint meetings of the governments began two years ago. Rama also spoke about the situation of the Albanian community in the Preshevo valley.

Government, OSCE agree on Serbian elections in Kosovo (Kallxo)

The Kosovo government and the OSCE Mission in Kosovo have reached an agreement for the OSCE to facilitate the voting of Kosovo Serbs in the Serbian parliamentary elections on April 24. The OSCE mission issued a statement today confirming the agreement. “The Mission confirms to conduct collection of votes operation in Kosovo to enable eligible voters access to Serbian parliamentary elections. The Mission is now planning all operational details and will inform the public accordingly,” the statement noted.

Court expected to issue arrest warrant for Vetevendosje leader Ymeri (Kallxo)

A court in Pristina has announced it will soon issue warrant for the arrest of Vetevendosje leader Visar Ymeri as he, along with his fellow MP Rexhep Selimi, failed to show up for the hearing in the case dating back to 2012. Ymeri and Selimi are accused of assaulting the MP from the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Bekim Haxhiu in June of 2012 during a Kosovo Assembly session break.

Procurement review body chief resigns (Koha/Kallxo)

The chairman of the Kosovo Procurement Review Body, Hysni Hoxha, has resigned from his post today. Sources told Koha that Hoxha cited health reasons in his resignation letter. Hoxha has been indicted by the Special Prosecution of Kosovo with “abuse of position or authority”. Pristina-based news site Kallxo quotes Hoxha as saying, “my resignation has nothing to do with the charges against me. Those charges are nonsense and are not related to this”.