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Serbia to continue participating in UN peacekeeping ops (Dailies)

Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday Serbia would continue participation in UN peacekeeping operations under his new government. Vucic said this in conversation with Assistant UN Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations El Ghassim Wane, who is visiting Belgrade, Beta reported quoting a Serbian government statement.

Kosovo might become first state under NATO control (InSerbia)

The US has been actively lobbying the idea of Kosovo joining NATO’s Partnership for Peace program. Kosovo’s president Hashim Thaci, who after a visit to the United States last year said that Washington approved the idea of establishing a Kosovo army operating under NATO, might now be happy about the new developments.

Serbs do not to vote for "armed forces" (Večernje Novosti)

“The process of forming the Kosovo's Armed Forces could happen only in case the Constitution of Kosovo will be changed. Serbs should not and would not support such a decision, since that would be a one-way trip for our nation and state. By voting for "Army of Kosovo" we would spit on the graves of soldiers and policemen murdered in Kosovo.”

Ambassadors stressed the need for the implementation of the Brussels agreement (TV Most)

At the meeting dedicated to the work of UNMIK and the situation in Kosovo, ambassadors of the UN Security Council member states pointed out the importance of the implementation of the Brussels agreement, and called on both sides to implement the agreement. They expressed concern over the violence in the Kosovo Assembly and in the streets and welcomed progress towards the establishment of the Special Court for the crimes of the former KLA.

Nikolic: Kosovo is unique according to Resolution 1244 (Vecernje Novosti)

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic said in Adis Ababa that Serbia will never recognize Kosovo's independence, but can recognize its uniqueness (clarifying that by uniqueness he refers to the status of autonomy according to UNSC Resolution 1244 , talks based on that Resolution and the Serbian Constitution). He added that negotiations between Serbia, Kosovo and the EU are in a delicate situation, because dialogue with Pristina is a condition for Serbia’s entry into the Union.

Seselj: First A/CSM and then the dialogue can continue (TV Most)

"It is pointless to continue the negotiations in Brussels on Kosovo and Metohija until certain conditions are met. First, the Serbian delegation must not give up on requirements related to Association / Community of Serb municipalities (A/CSM)," said President of the Serbian Radical Party (SRS) Vojislav Seselj.

Kosovo in UN through back door (Vecernje Novosti)

From the beginning of 2016, Pristina is preparing to launch a serious campaign for the admission of Kosovo in the UN, quoted sources from diplomatic circles. However, in that case Kosovo will face with insurmountable obstacle, reflected in Russian and the probable Chinese veto. The only thing which Pristina can do in order to enter East River is candidacy for permanent observer of non-member state, or the status by which the Palestine was received in UN, three years ago.

Kosovo cannot join international organizations (TV Most)

The refusal of the General Assembly of UNESCO to accept Kosovo membership confirmed the commitment of that organization to the principles of international law stipulated by the UN SC Resolution 1244.

Kosovo, which is still controlled by the UN, cannot be considered a legal state and therefore cannot aspire to membership in international institutions, and consequently to UNESCO, was said in a statement of the ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.

Lavrov: It is unacceptable to politicize UNESCO (TV Most)

Attempts to allow Kosovo's membership in UNESCO leads to the politicization of the activities of the organization, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, after a meeting with the General Director of UNESCO Irina Bokova. "With all the complexity of international life, it is important to avoid politicization of UNESCO activities. That’s how we see now the situation related to the attempt to allow Kosovo's membership in the organization, violating in such a way the UN Resolution 1244," said Lavrov, as reported by TASS.

"The status of Kosovo and Metohija defined by the Constitution and Resolution 1244" (Danas, Blic, B92, Tanjug)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said that status and property of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) should be discussed in the next round of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

According to him, the theme will be the participation of Serbs in Pristina institutions in the guaranteed percentage, as well as the airline flight Belgrade - Pristina.