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Đurić: The establishment of military formation in Kosovo violates UNSC Resolution 1244 and the Kumanovo agreement (media)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Đurić said yesterday that Serbia strongly opposes the establishment of the so-called Army of Kosovo. He says that Pristina with formation of the army would give a serious blow to serious efforts for inter-ethnic reconciliation, improving the relations between Serbs and Albanians and the establishment of lasting stability.

"Fatherland" movement founded in Mitrovica north (KIM radio)

In Mitrovica North yesterday was registered autonomous regional political movement "Fatherland". This movement consist of former members of the Provincial Committee of the Democratic Party of Serbia with 12 municipal committees and members of political parties, the Democratic Party, Serbian Progressive Party and the Socialist Party of Serbia.

Lavrov: Russia will not accept a revision of Resolution 1244 (RTK2, KoSSev)

Resolution 1244 must be respected to the maximum, said yesterday the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov, adding that Russia accepts all the solutions and processes in relation to Kosovo.

"We show the solidarity with the Serbian friends, and we are against any attempts to unilaterally revise this Resolution," said Lavrov during a visit to Belgrade.

UNMIK between the hammer and the anvil of the Security Council (RTS)

While Serbia expects the members of the UN Security Council to influence the repeal of the Law on Trepča, member countries that have recognized independence of Kosovo believe that the Council meetings on Kosovo should reduce, and they believe also that the scope of the UNMIK mission should be reduced. For representatives of the countries that do not recognize Kosovo, UNMIK has an important role, and the Resolution 1244 for them remains the only valid basic document for solving the problems in Kosovo.

Russian ambassador: Kosovo de facto protectorate, not state (B92, Beta)

Russian Ambassador Aleksandr Chepurin says it is "increasingly clear" the EU is lacks the strength to secure the implementation of Kosovo dialogue agreements.

"The European Union, with the consent of Belgrade, assumed the role of a mediator in resolving the conflict. But today it is increasingly clear that it lacks the strength to ensure the implementation of even the first (Brussels) agreement," the diplomat told TV Most from Zvecan, a town in northern Kosovo.

Janjić: 1244 to be superseded by another Security Council resolution (Klan Kosova)

The US and EU are pushing forward an initiative to pass a new Security Council resolution for Kosovo which would supersede the existing one, 1244. Dušan Janjić, coordinator of the Belgrade-based Forum for Ethnic Relations, said he had first-hand information from international sources that the new document is soon expected to be put up for discussion at the Security Council. “I believe the new resolution will be formally introduced before the UN General Assembly holds its sessions in September.

Ɖurić with El-Ghassim Wane about the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija (TV Most)

Director of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Ɖurić met today with Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations El-Ghassim Wane and introduced him with the process of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.  "It is necessary to restore confidence in the dialogue, and it can be reached only through implementation of the agreement on the establishment of Association / Community of Serb Municipalities (A/CSM)," said Ɖurić.