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Municipality in Serbia to suspend activities with US embassy (TV Most)

Municipality of Gornji Milanovac in Serbia proper has suspended all activities with the US embassy in connection with the celebration of the anniversary of the mission "Halyard", due to the recent statement by Ambassador Kyle Scott on Kosovo, said Dejan Kovacevic, the president of the municipality told portal (the voice of western Serbia), reports TV Most.

Serb families in the village Grace afraid of the Kosovo police (RTS)

RTS reports that a few days ago Kosovo Police searched the house of the Popovic family in Grace village. The police searched for weapons. According to RTS correspondant from Gracanica, weapons were not found but the owner of the house was arrested, and reportedly criminal charges were failed against him.

The police public report reads that a suspected Serb in Grace village was arrested and that an air rifle was seized and a rubber bat. Two criminal charges were filed against the arrested person, reports RTS.

Djuric: Jeremic will never again be able to harm this country (TV Most)

Vice President of the SNS Main Committee and Director of the Office for KiM, Marko Djuric, spoke about statements made today by Vuk Jeremic regarding Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and said that Jeremic proves again that his only program is the program of hatred for Aleksandar Vucic and that he is ready to sacrifice Serbian interests for the realization of his hate program, reports TV Most.

Belgrade's Plan: Protection for the 44 holy sites and monuments in Kosovo (TV Most, Vecernje Novosti)

Guarantees to the Serbian Orthodox Church to have full right to dispose of all its movable and immovable property and to maintain the legal protection regime for 44 facilities that represent special zones of Serbian cultural and religious heritage, and recognition of the position of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) in Kosovo  - those are the main demands of Belgrade in a plan sent by the Serbian side to European mediators in dialogue with Pristina, TV Most reported, quoting daily Vecernje Novosti.

Vucic: We are grateful for Astana’s solid position on Kosovo (TV Most)

Serbia is our important partner in Southeast Europe and supports internationally all our initiatives. In Kazakhstan, there are 20 companies with the participation of Serbian capital, and we are interested in expanding cooperation in the field of industry, energy, transport, as well as in the construction of infrastructure - said President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, reports TV Most.

Djuric with the head of the OSCE Mission to Kosovo (TV Most)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric spoke with the Head of the OSCE mission in Kosovo about the political and security situation in Kosovo, reads the statement of the Office for KiM, Radio Television of Serbia is quoting.

Djuric pointed out that the recent intrusion of Albanian special forces in the north of Kosovo was a threat to stability and that it is necessary that international organizations in the field take steps to prevent such provocations happening again, reports RTS.

"Germans put Serb minister back in Kosovo government" (B92, Koha, Kossev, TV Most)

A Serb member of the Kosovo government, Dalibor Jevtic, on Thursday attended a meeting of that government, Pristina-based website is reporting.

Jevtic and all other members of the Kosovo government from the Serb List submitted their resignations back in March, after the arrest of Office for Kosovo and Metohija chief Marko Djuric, and have not taken part in any of its sessions since.
The website states that the return of ministers from Serb List was influenced by a German delegation currently visiting Pristina.

School in Gojbulja village broken into last night (TV Most, Radio Mitrovica Sever)

TV Most reports today on a new incident that occurred last night in Gojbulja village in the municipality Vucitrn.

Aca Misic, the president of the Provisional Authority of the Municipality of Priluzje told TV Most that the primary school ''21 November'' in Gojbulja village was broken into, and that traditional costumes were stolen, and broken children's seesaw and swings in the school yard.

Meeting of heads of governments of the West Balkan (Serbian media)

Serbian media reported yesterday that Albania would be hosting an informal meeting of the heads of the Western Balkan governments, citing a statement of the Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama's cabinet.

The cabinet's statement reads that the topic of the meeting will be "regional economic integration", the development of a common vision for EU accession, implementation of the regional economic zone and other issues.