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Odalovic: Serbs cannot be silent over the Pristina's deeds (RTS)

Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Veljko Odalovic, told RTS this morning that the closure of all shops in the north of Kosovo is a protest that should show the general public that the Serbs will not be silent.

"The Serbs have to raise their voices, they cannot be silence over Pristina’s deeds. Pristina provokes and blocks the topic of dialogue, in which, it is brought before the final act to fulfil its obligations, primarily to form the Community of Serb municipalities", notes Odalovic.

Food supplies in Kosovo only until the end of the week, what are the next moves of Belgrade (RTS)

Seven months after the introduction of a 100 per cent tax on goods from central Serbia, due to the intensified control of the Kosovo police, food supplies are at the end.

Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajic told Serbian state broadcaster that Serbia will internationally insist on the tax abolishment, adding that that situation with lack of supplies is an additional argument.

Paris summit called off due to Pristina's behaviour in Berlin, says Djuric (RTS, N1)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Pristina said that Pristina representatives acted irresponsibly and arrogantly towards the host at a preparatory meeting for the Paris summit, in Berlin, which was one of the reasons why the summit was cancelled, reports Serbian media. Djuric added that someone in Pristina was very nervous and feared of Serbia.

Apostolova: "The best solution for continuing dialogue is to abolish the tax" (RTS, RTK2)

Kosovo's progress report confirms its European perspective, but it also shows that there are no shortcuts on the way to the EU, said Nataliya Apostolova, Head of the EU office in Kosovo, adding a glass is half full, and that the continuation of the reforms requires a strong political will of the Assembly and Government.

Dacic: Guterres fully informed about the situation in Kosovo (RTS, Tanjug)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met in New York with UN Secretary-General António Guterres, reports Serbian state broadcaster RTS.

Dacic met with Guterres after the UN Security Council session on Kosovo.

Dacic told state news agency Tanjug that that the UN Secretary General was fully informed about the situation in Kosovo.

Odalovic: Resolution 1244 - binding though deformed (RTS)

On the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of Resolution 1244 in the UN Security Council in New York, the latest UN report will be presented, while Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic will point out the need to continuously review the Kosovo issue at the Council's meetings and the consistent implementation of the UNMIK and KFOR mission, report state broadcaster RTS.

Pristina MPs visiting south Serbia seeking the "Presevo Valley" to join Kosovo (RTS)

Serbian state broadcaster RTS reports that members of the Kosovo Assembly, Arban Abrashi and Nait Hasani, visited Bujanovac and supported the idea of a referendum on the unification of municipalities in the south of Serbia Bujanovac, Presevo and Medvedja with Kosovo, and inclusion of the issue in the Belgrade - Pristina negotiations.

Vucic to Tanin: Pristina provokes and disables dialogue with Belgrade (Beta, N1, RTS, Blic)

In the meeting with Zahir Tanin, the UN Mission in Kosovo chief, Aleksandar Vucic, Serbia’s President, accused Pristina of making irrational and unilateral moves and of constantly provoking, showing that its leaders were making the dialogue with Belgrade impossible, the Beta news agency carried a statement from President's office on Tuesday.

The statement said Vucic also condemned the Kosovo police special unit attack on UN personnel, describing it as “an attempt to compromise the UN Mission in Kosovo.”

Vucic: Paris meeting, if it happens, more important than UN session (RTS, FoNet, N1)

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic told the Serbian state broadcaster on Monday that the next week’s UN Security Council session on Kosovo would be less important than a meeting in Paris with the same issue on the agenda in July “if it happens,” the FoNet news agency reported.

Djukanovic: It is very important to hear the objective situation in the UN (RTS)

President of the Centre for Foreign Policy Dragan Djukanovic told Serbian state television (RTS) that the most important thing is to create the conditions for continuation of the dialogue that should result in final signing of an agreement on full normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina.

Djukanovic said in the RTS morning news that the UNMIK announcement came with a delay, and it indicated that UNMIK did not have the same kind of data as the Kosovo police.