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Kremlin revealed what Putin told Thaci (Sputnik, B92)

Russian President Vladimir Putin had a brief talk with the president of provisional institutions in Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, Sputnik portal reports referring to the statements of Putin’s spokesperson Dmitry Peskov.

Peskov said that Putin pointed out to Thaci Pristina should reach consensus with Belgrade, adding that Russia would support joint decision of Belgrade and Pristina.

Germany and US are inquiring about ‘’a secret deal between Putin and Thaci’’ (Blic)

The Belgrade daily Blic claims that the US and the most influential European countries are concerned already about the co-operation and contacts held by top officials of Moscow and representatives of Pristina authorities.

Blic says that more diplomatic sources confirmed that all presidents of influential Western countries ask about this newly built relationship within the EU institutions.

Chepurin on Kosovo “hallways diplomacy” (RTS)

Kosovo special operation “hallways diplomacy” continues, but it in no way influences the Russian position, Ambassador Alexander Chepurin told RTS.

Commenting on Paris ceremony protocol gaffes, Chepurin noted the world would always remember the heroism of the soldiers who won the war, “and among them distinguished place belongs foremost to the Serbian, Russian and French heroes.” Ambassador Chepurin also added that “the history is stronger than ceremonies,” RTS reported.

Dacic to attend UN Security Council session in New York (Tanjug, B92)

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic will represent Serbia at a UN Security Council session on November 14.

A report of the UN Secretary-General on the work of the UNMIK for the period from July 16 - October 15 will be examined during the session, the Serbian government has announced.

Vucic talks about when dialogue with Pristina may continue (BETA, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told BETA news agency "the dialogue with Kosovo" will continue when Pristina "accepts to acts in a civilized manner and in accordance with the rules."

In a statement to reporters, Vucic added that "Serbia wants dialogue and is not blackmailing anyone with the possible opening of new (EU membership) negotiating chapters."

UN SC to debate the two latest report on Kosovo after a six-month break (Kontakt plus radio, KIM radio, Tanjug, N1)

On November 14, the UN Security Council session will be held in New York, where UN Secretary-General Antony Guterres's report on the work of UNMIK will be discussed, reported Serbian media.

The session on the situation in Kosovo, the first after six months, was scheduled at the initiative of China, which took over the Security Council on November 1.

Judah: Putin and Thaci meeting's message directed to Vucic: “Go ahead” (BETA)

British journalist Tim Judah thinks that Russia would have major benefits if the result of the Belgrade-Pristina negotiations would be recognition of Kosovo and exchange of territories, BETA news agency reports today.

“Russia could use such precedent in an attempt to achieve similar agreements for secessionist territories which are under its control in Moldova (Pridnestrovie) and Georgia (South Ossetia and Abkhazia),” Judah said.

Drecun: Serbia for compromise, there should be no rush with solution (RTS)

European Union insists that normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations happens within a year, before the end of EU High Representative Federica Mogherini mandate, but there should be no rush with a solution, the Serbian Assembly Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Chairperson, Milovan Drecun told RTS.

Drecun added compromise is the only solution in a situation when dialogue between Belgrade and Pristian is halted, and Brussels wants an agreement as soon as possible.

ENTSO-E: Frequency deviations in Continental Europe - discussions ongoing to find a solution

The Continental European (CE) Power System – which is a large electrical area stretching from Spain to Turkey and from Poland to Netherlands; encompassing 25 countries- is experiencing a system frequency deviation from the mean value of 50 Hz, since late 2017.

The power deviations are originating from the Serbian control area. The power deviations have led to a slight decrease in the electric frequency average.