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"Father Sava would never betray Serbs or Kosovo" (Serbian media)

A negative campaign against the high-ranking Decani Abbot, father Sava Janjic continues with the accusations of Sima Spasic from the Association of Families of the Abducted and Missing, reports portal Vesti.

Representatives of other associations do not support Spasic's actions, stating that he should not be involved in politics but in clarifying the fate of the missing.

American Serbian Orthodox Church: Territorial division would cause mass exodus and internal expulsion of the population (Kontakt plus radio)

On August 31, Serbian parishes and organizations in the United States opposed the idea of "delineation" or "border correction" by a joint letter addressed to the US Senate, Congress and individuals in the administration.

The letter of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the United States, which through the three dioceses makes about 184 churches and monasteries, Kontakt plus radio transmits in full:

''Dear Senators, Representatives of the Congress and officials in the Administration:

Serb representatives from Montenegro visited Kosovo (RTS, Tanjug, KIM Radio)

Political representatives of Serbs in Montenegro visited Orahovac, Velika Hoca, Monastery of Zociste and Mitrovica North, KIM Radio reported.

Political representatives of Serbs in Montenegro said that Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are ready to remain and survive in Kosovo, to preserve spirituality, statehood and set foundation for their future here.

Civic Vojvodina: Immediately stop dangerous ideas about the exchange of territory (Danas)

The Civic Vojvodina Coalition believes that the idea of "exchanging territory" and ethnic "demarcation" between Serbia and Kosovo is extremely dangerous and irrational and cannot be justified by any long-term solution for Kosovo, reports Belgrade based daily Danas.

Abbot Janjic: Vucic to defend real interests (Komersant, Danas)

Abbot of Visoki Decani Monastery, Father Sava Janjic in an interview for Russian Komersant said that Serbs in Kosovo are not mere numbers, percentages or statistical errors, termed an idea on delineation “as delineation with a common sense” and added that people are concerned over the talks on division, Danas daily reports.

State employees obliged to attend rally with Vucic? (KIM Radio, KoSSev)

Lists of school employees in central Kosovo who will be attending the rally of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic are being prepared, KoSSev portal reports.

The rally would take place during announced Vucic’s visit on September 8 and 9, in Mitrovica North, although it was announced earlier that the rally would happen in Zubin Potok. The lists with the names of those who will not be attending this gathering are also being made, it was confirmed for RTV Kim.

Vucic to Keefe - "Serbia won't be humiliated" (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that Serbia would never accept a solution for Kosovo which was degrading for the country and its people.

Vucic pointed this out in a meeting with the UK Ambassador to Serbia in Belgrade, Denis Keefe concerning the current state of the Belgrade - Pristina dialogue.

The two interlocutors also discussed bilateral relationship, situation in the region and the results of the Western Balkans Summit in London.

"US and Germany are at odds about Kosovo partition" (Tanjug, B92)

American Wall Street Journal (WSJ) daily and Brussels portal EUobserver reported on the informal meeting of the EU foreign ministers on August 30-31 in Vienna.

The American paper said that US and Germany were on the opposite sides when it came to a plan about border change between Serbia and Kosovo and solving one of the last major territorial disputes in Europe.