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Serbian Justice Minister: If they wanted to, they would have tried Thaci and Haradinaj, constitutional amendments do not include Kosovo (Serbian media)

The justice minister of Serbia Nela Kuburovic told Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti that she is not sure that at the beginning of the Court's work, charges will be raised against high-ranking persons, replying to a question whether she expects Kosovo Prosecutor's Office to indict Hashim Thaci, Ramush Haradinaj and Kadri Veseli.

"If there was a will, that would have already happened," the minister said in an interview with today's Vecernje Novosti.

Speaking of Pristina's initiative to form a court that will deal solely with the Serbs, Kuburovic says that this was a sudden decision made only for pre-election points. She points that the establishment of an ethnic court is something unseen and below every civilization level. This, she says, is a "distorted political creation" that has nothing to do with law and justice.

"I think that the Albanians should be more concerned about the Special Prosecutor's Office in The Hague, which will deal with the review of Dick Marty's report. The new prosecutor has been looking for documents from Belgrade, which are being transmitted through the EU Delegation, in recent months, and many witnesses are waiting for the indictment to give statements," said Kuburovic.

When it comes to the "yellow house" and trafficking in human organs, Kuburovic says, DNA evidence has been destroyed, and the question is how many live witnesses are there.

"However, we need to bear in mind that Pristina under pressure has changed the Constitution, in order to form a specialized panel to establish the truth from the report of Dick Marty. I do not believe that the EU would insist on the formation, if there was not enough evidence, which is an indicator that the EU, can exert pressure when there is will," the minister said.

Minister Kuburovic denies claims that the proposed changes to the country’s constitution include changes to the preamble section on Kosovo.

"The changes to the constitution are absolutely not about Kosovo. The proposed amendments are meant to strengthen the independence and responsibilities of judges through changes to the process of electing judges and prosecutors and members of expert bodies, " she said.