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Ivanovic: The international community to exert pressure on Pristina (Blic)

The leader of the Civil Initiative SDP Oliver Ivanovic seeks from the international community to exert strong pressure on the Kosovo government and the police to protect Serbs in Kosovo.

Ivanovic told that if the international community does not pressure the official Pristina, their "concern and regret" after the terrorist acts will have no effect.

- Diplomatic jargon which the international community uses in Kosovo, extremists do not understand and cannot calm the Serbs who are the target of the attack - warned Ivanovic, stressing that the international community and diplomatic missions in Kosovo are trying not to interfere in the problems.

Ivanovic says that the international community is trying to leave to the Albanians to solve their own problems but the Kosovo institutions are not capable, said Ivanovic.

- Albanians so far failed to solve any critical situation - says Ivanovic and adds that the government deals with themselves, it does not respond, which extremists use.

Nationalist politics of the Kosovo opposition parties, which in the struggle for the power, allegedly against the Association/Community of Serbian Municipalities, directed all the negative energy towards Serbs in Kosovo, Ivanovic says.