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Djuric disappointed with detention extension for Ivanovic (Tanjug)

Director of the Serbian government's Office for Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) Marko Djuric expressed on Thursday his deep disappointment and revolt over the court decision to extend the detention for Oliver Ivanovic, leader of the Serb party Citizens' Initiative Freedom, Democracy Justice, and qualified it as yet another proof that the case against Ivanovic is politically motivated.

The detention for Ivanovic has been extended until October 6. According to Djuric, this decision is a bad signal for the overall political climate and the rule of law in Kosovo.

"Genocide resolution" not included in assembly's agenda (Blic, Vecernje Novosti, B92)

The Kosovo assembly has not accepted a proposal to consider a draft resolution on alleged genocide by Yugoslav army and police forces against ethnic Albanians.

45 deputies on Monday voted in favour of including the draft in the agenda, 55 were against, while five abstained.

The initiative to adopt such a resolution came from the Self-Determination Movement, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, and the Initiative for the Future of Kosovo.

They believe that members of Serb security forces committed genocide against Albanians in the province during the last war.

"Pristina gambled away status of Brussels’ favorite" (Tanjug, B92)

Director of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric says Belgrade continues activities in normalizing relations with Pristina.

This is the case "although there are plenty of problems in the implementation of what had been the agreed in the Brussels dialogue," he said on Tuesday.

In an interview with Tanjug, Djuric said that he would travel to Brussels on Wednesday to take part in meetings on the implementation of the deals reached.

Djuric: Pristina uninterested in agreement (RTS)

Pristina refused to agree on telecommunications and the Community/Association of Serbian municipalities. Serbia is ready to continue the negotiations, but so far there is no exact date for the resumption of dialogue in Brussels, Djuric notes.

Marko Djuric, visiting the RTS, said that Pristina has not been interested to reach an agreement and that at one point it looked as if the talks would be suspended.

Djuric talks about "U.S. role in Kosovo talks" (RTS, Blic, B92)

"They do not sit in the room physically, but I think there were several separate conversations with representatives of several states today, including the Americans, and their role in the political sense is very important," he said.

The director of the Serbian Government's Office for Kosovo and Metohija made this statement when state broadcaster RTS asked about "American participation in negotiations in Brussels".

A round of the Kosovo dialogue ended late on Tuesday with "progress made, but no agreements reached."

Assistance to NGOs in Kosovo (KIM Radio)

The director of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Đurić today signed contracts with 21 NGOs for funding projects, amounting to around RSD 16 million, on sustainable return and survival in Kosovo.

On the occasion of signing the contracts Đurić said that struggle for Kosovo must be the one of the entire society and not only of the state and the government.
