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Government: Demarcation must be passed this month, we must not keep the youth isolated (Indeksonline)

The news website reports that the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro was supposed to be resent to the Assembly this week. While some MPs have expressed their opposition to the deal, EU high representatives have reiterated that the Assembly must adopt the agreement so that Kosovo can get closer to visa liberalisation.

Abdullahu: Dehari's case overshadowed the attack on Assembly (RTKLive)

Faton Abdullahu, adviser to Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, said on Wednesday that the case of Vetevendosje activist Astrit Dehari who died in Prizren detention center has diverted the attention from the attack on the Kosovo Assembly building a few months ago. Abdullahu said that in the case of the attack on the Assembly there was no petition or requests for extraordinary sessions to condemn the act.

Government of Kosovo insists it will not delay resubmitting border demarcation deal (RTK)

Kosovo Government officials insist that there will be no delays in resubmitting the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro to the Assembly. The ratification process will also require the votes of the MPs from the Serbian List which is at present boycotting Kosovo institutions. The bill requires at least 80 votes in favour to be passed and the ruling coalition faces the prospect of having 11 votes less from the members of the Serbian List. This means that the ruling coalition currently can only muster 73 votes in favour.

Serbia holds hostage Kosovo’s international relations (Telegrafi/RFE)

Kosovo government spokesperson and advisor to Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, Faton Abdullahu, told Radio Free Europe that the obstacles posed by Serbia are the main reason of Kosovo’s failure to join international organisations, in particular the European institutions. According to him, with such actions Serbia is violating the fundamental principles of EU membership. “Serbia’s approach is completely unacceptable. It is a dangerous approach in terms of security and peace in the region.