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Haradinaj’s statement shows the Pristina regime’s tendency for Greater Albania (Beta, N1)

The Serbian government Office for Kosovo chief Marko Djuric said that Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj and Albania representatives statement after the signing of the agreement on the abolition of border crossings show the true “Greater Albania nature of the Pristina regime.”

"Political rampage, like this, only creates fertile ground for new conflicts and distances the region from the solution," Djuric said and appealed to the international community to stop "Pristina's chauvinistic euphoria" that contributes to the acceleration of tensions.

Djuric: Thaci to offer solid evidence who is Oliver Ivanovic’s murderer (RTV Puls)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric called upon Hashim Thaci to tell domestic and international public by name and surname the murderer of Oliver Ivanovic and offer solid evidence for his claims, instead of, as Djuric said, spreading fake news and provocations as he did it today at end-year news conference, RTV Puls reports.

Djuric: All traces in murder of Oliver Ivanovic lead towards Albanian side (TV N1, KoSSev, Insajder)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director, Marko Djuric told the independent “Insajder” production that all traces related to the assassination of  Kosovo Serb leader Oliver Ivanovic in January lead to the Albanian side.

Ivanovic was gunned down outside his party’s headquarters in Mitrovica North, 11 months ago and since then both Belgrade and Pristina investigations yielded no result.

Djuric: Pristina closed door to dialogue (Radio KIM)

Establishment of Kosovo army is the most direct attack against regional peace and stability, as well as the most flagrant violation of the international law, Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric said during the meeting with German Ambassador to Belgrade, Thomas Schieb, Radio KIM reports.

Djuric also voiced concern over the continuation of destabilization of the region, caused by Pristina’s unilateral and provocative acts.

Djuric, Vulin, Stefanovic reactions on new Pristina’s negotiation team, Limaj (RTS)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric said Pristina does not want any serious talks about the future and normalization of relations, but instead wishes to continue with provocation, RTS reports.

Djuric noted that Pristina’s decision to appoint one of the most notorious commander of terrorist KLA Fatmir Limaj as one of the heads of its negotiation team is ridiculing the very essence of a dialogue idea.

Meanwhile, Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin said that Limaj’s appointment is an insult to common sense.

Djuric: An illegal armed formation, KFOR to disarm them (Serbian media)

Regional broadcaster N1 reports that Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric told reporters in the Government of Serbia that Kosovo Army for Serbia is an illegal armed formation on the territory of Serbia, formed with an aim of violently changing the borders of the country.

"The decision on its formation aims at violent change of the borders of our country and violation of the established position of our southern province by the Constitution and international," Djuric told reporters.

Djuric: Serbia urges international community to prevent creation of Kosovo army (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian leadership urges the international community and KFOR, under NATO administration, to stop Kosovo-Albanian authorities to form an army, Director of Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric said, Tanjug news agency reported.

Djuric added, forming of such an army would endanger peace in the Balkans. “Announced transformation of the Kosovo Security Forces into so-called “Kosovo army” would represent a serious threat to the peace and stability in the region, the most direct violation of UN SC Resolution 1244 and Kumanovo Military-Technical Agreement, Djuric underlined.

"Only Supreme Commander Vucic can respond to Pristina" (RTS, BETA, B92)

Marko Djuric says that the only one authorized to respond to the measures of the Pristina authorities is "Supreme Commander Aleksandar Vucic."

The director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija pointed out that Vucic, Serbia's President, was "in principle opposed to the use of force, and this would be the last option in the event of the endangering of the lives of Serbs in Kosovo."