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Janjic: New format of negotiations, observers from USA and Germany (Tanjug, Kontakt plus radio, Danas)

According to political analyst Dusan Janjic, arrest of Marko Djuric was security-political trigger that sped up existing preparations for negotiations in a new format, Tanjug news agency reported.

He expects this new format would include two observers, one from the USA and the other from Germany. He also added that new format in fact means more intensive talks, prepared by political negotiators, and to be “completed by presidents in several meetings.”

8 Serbs in Pec arrested and then released (Radio Gorazdevac, Kontakt plus radio)

Lawyers working for a Free Legal Aid office and a cameraman who was supposed to film usurped Serb properties were arrested last night in Pec, Kontakt plus radio reported referring to Radio Gorazdevac.

According to Radio Gorazdevac, the arrest took place last night around 19.00 hrs, while mentioned persons were moving in the two vehicles and allegedly filmed a police station building.

They were kept few hours at the police station, their video material was examined as well.

Kosovo police lost ammunition during Monday's incidents (RTS)

Kosovo police members lost a fully loaded magazine with live ammunition on the day they arrested Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric, RTS reported.

The incident happened in Mitrovica North on Monday, close to the site where Djuric was arrested, RTS further reported.

The Kalashnikov rifle magazine was found about 100 meters from Mitrovacki Dvor, where special Kosovo police forces were located before storming the venue.

Representatives of Serbs in Kosovo were meeting in Mitrovacki Dvor at the time.

Ukraine takes Belgrade's side in latest Kosovo flareup (Tanjug)

Ukraine's ambassador to Serbia says the government in Pristina showed itself to be "completely irresponsible" in the case of Marko Djuric's arrest.

"Ukraine supports Serbia completely in this case," Oleksandr Aleksandrovych told N1, and pointed out that his country has not recognized Kosovo, and supports the Brussels agreement and the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue.

Haradinaj warns Vucic, Pristina accused of "preparing war" (Tanjug)

Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj says there will be "no partition of Kosovo or exchange of territories."

Haradinaj wrote this on Facebook on Wednesday, adding that the Serb List - who decided to leave his government and form the Community of Serb Municipalities on their own unless Pristina does in by April 20 - should "return to the table and discuss common topics to the benefit of all citizens."

Vucic feels "highest degree of support" from Putin (Prva TV, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke on Wednesday for Prva TV about his phone call earlier in the afternoon with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Vucic stressed that the conversation was "long and rich in content."

"If I may say - and I've met with him many times - today in his words I felt probably the highest degree of support, as well as in (his) reactions, because I know him well," the president said, adding that he asked Putin "what his advice was."

Djuric: Serbs would not give up on ZSO, despite threats (BETA, B92)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director, Marko Djuric said that Serbs in Kosovo would not give up on establishing the Association of the Serb Municipalities, despite threats of some of Pristina ministers, BETA news agency reported.

“Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija would not give up on ZSO, since it is our right and something that is international right. ZSO with a signature of EU High Representative Catherine Ashton became part of EU foreign and security policy, and not only the obligation of Pristina,” Djuric said.

Rikalo: Kosovo special police members wanted to humiliate us (RTS, KIM Radio)

Kosovo Minister of Agriculture, Nenad Rikalo is among those injured in incidents that took place during arrest of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director, Marko Djuric, KIM Radio reports today.

He is still in intensive care in Mitrovica North hospital, and told RTS his recovery goes well.

Simic: Serbian List seeks reaction of international community due to latest Pristina’s threats: Someone has to tell them enough is enough (TV Pink)

Serbian List (SL) MP in Kosovo Assembly Igor Simic told TV Pink this morning that SL expects the representatives of the international community to react to the latest threats of Pristina regarding the arrests, and pointed out, “it is unacceptable to threaten the legal and legitimate representatives of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija”.

“Based on what would they arrest anyone? Because he/she acts in accordance with the laws, with the obligations that Pristina did not want to fulfil?” Simić told TV Pink.