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Zbogar: Mustafa to keep his promises (RTKLive)

The working groups of Kosovo and the European Union on the Reform of Public Administration met today in Pristina. The head of the EU Office in Kosovo, Samuel Zbogar, said that the Public Administration Reform is the basis of development of a society, adding that Kosovo side must act and that the work on the reform of the administration should not remain only in documents and speeches. Zbogar also said that the Prime Minister  Isa Mustafa should keep the promises he made for the Public Administration Reform.

For Kosovo and for what it can become (Koha Ditore)

Head of EU Office in Kosovo and EU Special Representative, Samuel Zbogar, in an opinion for the paper says that the Kosovo Assembly members have an important decision ahead and while on the one hand they are concerned how their vote will reflect on Kosovo’s past, on the other, they will be voting for the future of Kosovo. “I am convinced the Assembly will take the right decision in favour of establishing specialized chambers,” writes Zbogar.

Zbogar: EU and Kosovo leadership with joint development plan (Lajmi)

The head of the European Union Office in Kosovo, Samuel Zbogar, said on Monday that Kosovo government should focus on agriculture, energy and the development of small- and medium businesses, so that Kosovo stands in the way of economic development.  According to him, the EU will continue to support Kosovo, and for this the EU and Ksoovo have a joint plan for development.  "The economic situation in Kosovo is not good. We are dedicated to support the agriculture, we are raising grants and support for agriculture.


Jablanovic with Zbogar on Special Court (Blic)

On Thursday, Jablanovic conferred with EU Special Representative Samuel Zbogar in Pristina about several current issues, with special emphasis on the forthcoming adoption of the Law on the Special Court for KLA crimes.

The meeting served to exchange ideas how to resolve some important issues in Kosovo, with special focus on Serbian perception of the Law which should soon be put before the parliament, said Jablanovic.

Zbogar: Special court to clarify Kosovo’s image (RTKLive)

The European Union Special Representative to Kosovo, Samuel Zbogar, said on Thursday that Kosovo should establish the special court in order to clear the allegations on war crimes as well as to establish the truth. He also mentioned the consequences of not establishing the court, saying that in this case Kosovo becomes the object of interest and international decisions. "If the vote is no, which is possible, and Kosovo rejects the establishment of special chambers, that would send Kosovo back, before the supervised independence and others will decide for Kosovo’s future.

Samuel Zbogar: SAA for Kosovo under the accelerated procedure (Danas)

The Stabilisation and Association Agreement for Kosovo was adopted by the European Commission. In accordance with the Lisbon Treaty, the SAA for Kosovo does not require from the EU Member States to ratify it at the national level, and therefore will be implemented more quickly. The SAA will only be ratified in the European Parliament - said in an interview with Danas, Head of the EU Special Representative in Kosovo, Samuel Zbogar, explaining the procedure by which Pristina will, already in June, reach the SAA.


Zbogar speaks about visa liberalization, fight against corruption (Telegrafi)

European Union Special Representative to Kosovo, Samuel Zbogar, called on Kosovo institutional leaders to focus on implementation of the visa liberalization criteria, particularly, in stepping up the fight against corruption and money laundering.  Zbogar said that precious time was lost in the forming the institutions followed then by the migration crisis earlier in the year and this means that there is little time left in implementing the remaining visa liberalization requirements.

Zbogar: Establishment of special court, unstoppable (

Special Court will be established, either through the Kosovo Assembly or the UN Security Council, said today the EU Special Representative to Kosovo, Samuel Zbogar, in a conference in Pristina. “From what I’m hearing from friends, establishment of the special court cannot be stopped,” said Zbogar. He said it is time for Kosovo to remove “the black cloud” hanging over it with regards to war crimes allegations contained in the Council of Europe’s report by the Swiss senator Dick Marty. “The court will not damage Kosovo’s image but will clear it,” he stressed.

Zbogar: Economic development to solve Kosovo’s problems (KosovaPress)

The Head of the European Union Office in Kosovo, Samuel Zbogar, said on Tuesday that the European Commission will support Kosovo's priorities, such as those of agriculture, energy, education and employment.  Zbogar made these comments at a workshop organized by the Embassy of Italy in Kosovo. Attending this workshop, among others, were also ministers Blerand Stavileci and Memli Krasniqi, and the Governor of the Central Bank of Kosovo Bedri Hamza. The latter said he welcomes any business, as well as an Italian bank in Kosovo.