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Kosovo the most polluted place in Europe (RTV Pulse, RTV Mir)

Kosovo is the most polluted place in Europe, citizens are not sufficiently aware of the importance of preserving the environment, and this issue is not a priority for the institutions, it was concluded at the debate on the topic "Environment in Kosovo", organized by Media Center Caglavica with the support of UNMIK, within the framework of the "Kosovo Today" project.

At the debate, it was also pointed out that about a thousand people per year die from environmental pollution in Kosovo.

Two buses with voters stopped at the crossing Bela Zemlja (RTV Puls)

More than a hundred displaced persons from Jagodina, Smederevo, Belgrade and other places from central Serbia, were stopped today at the administrative crossing Bela Zemlja - Končulj. They came to vote in the municipality of Novo Brdo, reports RTV Puls.
As RTV Pulse learns from eyewitnesses, the Kosovo police do not allow the entry of two buses with plates of the Serbian city Nis because they do not have a Kosovo license for the carriage of passengers and a green card.

Gnjilane: Russian journalists released (RTV Puls)

The three journalists of the Russian nationality, the Kosovo police arrested in Partes yesterday, were released from the custody in the afternoon and no criminal proceedings were initiated against them, the Serbian local TV station RTV Puls reported this morning.

“Foreign citizens brought in yesterday, were released around 17.00 hrs from the police station in Gnjilan. No criminal proceedings were initiated against them,” said the Deputy Commander of the Kosovo police in Gnjilane, Shaban Azizi.

Russian journalists arrested in Kosovo (RTV Puls)

Members of the Kosovo police arrested today, around 11.30, on the Partes-Gnjilane way, a group of Russian journalists, RTV Puls reported.

Arrested persons are Juri Georgievich, journalist from Latvia, Robion Denisov and his wife Vera, both from Estonia.

Kosovo police representative for Gnjilane region, Shaban Azizi confirmed the arrest.

“The police had brought in a group of foreign citizens. Scanning the reasons for their stay in Kosovo is underway,” Azizi said to RTV Puls.

Kosovo police seized 918 Serbian health cards (KoSSev, RTV Puls)

Kosovo police officers seized 918 new health cards on Monday from the director of the branch of the Republic Health Insurance Fund for the municipality of Gnjilane, Jovica Antić. The cards were seized about 15 hours at the administrative border Bela Zemlja, reported RTV Puls.

According to Antić, he was returning from central Serbia with an official vehicle with health cards. At the administrative crossing, he reported to the Kosovo police what the content of the official package was.

Bus carrying Serb high school students stoned in Kosovo (TV Puls, B92)

A bus carrying students of two high schools home attacked with stones around 13:00 CET on Thursday on the Šilovo-Koretište road in Kosovo.

"Four unidentified young men" attacked the bus, TV Puls from Šilovo has reported.

Nobody was injured during the incident, while minor material damage was done to the vehicle.

According to the driver of the bus, Zoran Stević, the attackers used stones and snowballs and were "about 15 years old."

Forming the Community/Association of Serb municipalities on its own initiative (TV Puls)

Ranilug Mayor Gradimir Mikić says that the municipality will comply with the agreement with the Office for Kosovo and Metohija about the start of formation of the Community/Association of Serb municipalities (ZSO) by the political leaders of Serbs from Kosovo on 15 February by their own initiative, if it occurs.

Protest in Sočanica because of construction of the health house (RTV Puls)

Yesterday in the municipality Leposavić/Leposaviq in Sočanica a protest was organised due to the construction of the health house that has been initiated by the decision of the Mayor of Leposavić/Leposaviq Dragan Jablanović and funded by Pristina, which in their opinion allows infiltration of Pristina into Serbian health system in the north of Kosovo.

The agreement on telecommunications significant and useful for citizens (RTV Puls)

The two Serbian ministers in the Kosovo government, Dalibor Jevtić and Ljubomir Marić assess that the agreement on the implementation of the agreement on telecommunications is very important and useful for the citizens.

"What is essential is that the principled position of the Government of the Republic of Serbia on the property has succeeded and we have an agreement which is very beneficial for the people in Kosovo and Metohija, which will have quality service when it comes to telecommunications," said Marić.