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Blic: Battle for supremacy over Europe to be decided in Kosovo (B92)

The battle for supremacy over Europe is being fought between Germany and the US, and it could be decided in Kosovo, Belgrade based daily Blic writes on Friday.

For Germany, Kosovo is an independent state and there is no further discussion about border change, Blic says, and reminds that German parliamentarians Peter Beyer and Christian Schmitd conveyed this message to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic two days ago.

Drecun: Elections if people say no in Kosovo issue popular vote (N1)

The head of Serbia’s Parliament Kosovo Committee said that a final stage of Belgrade – Pristina dialogue was approaching and that the diplomatic activities should increase, adding that Serbia would not allow Kosovo to become a UN member.

Milovan Drecun, of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), added that the final status discussion demanded a new format of negotiations.

Spasic: Djuric assistant have threatened Vucic's long-time colleagues (Danas, komentarpress, Kurir, NSPM)

Deputy Director of the Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Miljan Randjelovic threatened the leadership in the municipality of Klokot during the election campaign, say the interlocutors of the portal from this municipality in Kosovo, reports Belgrade based daily Danas.

According to Srecko Spasic, the father of the Mayor of Klokot municipality and a long-standing representative of the Serbian List in this municipality, Randjelovic threatened Spasić and his associates by referring to Aleksandar Vucic.

VV accuses coalitions for violating election rules

Dardan Sejdiu from Vetevendosje Movement told a press conference today that it was very concerning that the two coalitions are violating the election rules. "You are already aware of the case where PDK and AAK have hidden their observers in an inactive NGO. Also in Vojnik village in Skenderaj, LDK and PDK commissioners have reached an agreement to allow citizens to vote without following election procedures,” Sejdiu said.


Democracy in Action identifies multiple irregularities (Klan Kosova)

The coalition of NGOs Democracy in Action during a press conference today said its observers have noticed a large number of irregularities during the election process – 59 cases of double voting, 4950 cases of family voting and 131 cases of photographing the votes. Ismet Kryeziu from DiA stated that 13 percent of eligible voters have voted by 12:00hrs. According to him, there is no increase in voter turnout in comparison to the previous elections.


OSCE chief Brathu: Election process is going well in northern Kosovo (Koha)

The head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Jan Brathu, after a visit to the polling station ‘Sveti Sava’ school in northern Kosovo stated that the voting process in northern Kosovo is going well and that there are around 200 observers in this area.  He expressed the hope that the situation will remain calm and without problems in the whole territory of Kosovo.

AKR says it has identified violations in several municipalities (Koha)

The New Kosovo Alliance (AKR) during a press conference today announced it has identified several violations during the voting process in several municipalities. AKR’s spokeswoman, Fitore Ajeti, told media that in some villages in Obiliq/Obilic and Lipjan/Lipljan municipalities, AKR observers were not allowed to enter the polling stations.  According to her, also in Pristina there was a case of photographing the vote in Gjergj Fishta polling station. While in Vushtrri/Vucitrn, she said copies of ballot papers were distributed and people were advised to vote for the PDK.


O'Connell: It is important for citizens to feel free to vote

The British Ambassador to Kosovo, Ruairi O’Connell, during a visit to a polling station in northern Kosovo today said that the most important thing today was for citizens to feel free to vote. "All ambassadors are following the election process. Citizens have the right to vote freely without any problems. I hope the process passes well. It is important for citizens to feel free to vote,” O'Connell said.

Djuric: Serbian List represents unity between Serbia and Serbian people in Kosovo (media)

The director of the Serbian government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric, said today that the Serbian List represents unity between the Republic of Serbia and Serbian people in Kosovo. According to him “other (Serbian) lists in these elections would lead towards “breaking of this connections and towards the implementation of separatist politics.” “It is important to have a major voter turnout because that would guarantee the prevention of the formation of the so-called Kosovo Army, and only the Serbian List can achieve that,” he said.