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KLA Veterans: Ready to come to the aid of Albanians in FYROM (Gazeta Express)

War Veterans of the Kosovo Liberation Army issued a press release today saying they are ready to use all their capacities to come to the aid of Albanians in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. “The problem of Albanians in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia does not date from the latest protests or by the politically-framed Monstra case. Rather it is a problem that dates from 1912 when after Albania declared its independence, the Serbian Kingdom forcefully occupied Albanian territories. The artificial Macedonian nation was formed during Tito’s Yugoslavia.

Opposition bloc undergoing final consultations (Gazeta Express)

Leaders of the opposition bloc – Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) – will meet today at the LDK offices to discussed final steps before constitution of the new Kosovo Assembly.

Sources told Express that Isa Mustafa, Ramush Haradinaj and Fatmir Limaj will discuss the constitution of the Assembly and the fact that the three parties are going to be part of one parliamentary group.

Five people connected to ISIS were to be arrested on Friday, but fled Kosovo (Express)

Gazeta Express reported last Friday that Kosovars with connections to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) could be preparing to carry out suicide attacks in Kosovo. Kosovo Police received a list of five people who had to be arrested but failed to apprehend them as the suspects fled Kosovo and their last known destination was Durres, Albania. According to Gazeta Express, the suspects returned to Kosovo on Wednesday. Most of them are from Kacanik and surrounding areas and have direct links with Lavdrim Muhaxherri.

Gjetaj: Internationals to force Serbia to reveal mass grave locations (Gazeta Express)

“So far 50 bodies have been discovered at the mass grave in Raska. Excavations are ongoing. There are other mass graves in Serbia, and we want the international community to pressure Serbia into revealing the locations,” Prenk Gjetaj, chairman of the Kosovo government’s missing persons committee, said in today’s meeting with a delegation of the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. Gjetaj said dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade failed to achieve satisfactory results on the issue of missing persons.

This is what Merkel’s associate told Mustafa and Haradinaj (Gazeta Express)

Sources told Gazeta Express that Andreas Schockenhoff, a close associate of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, told LDK and AAK leaders, Isa Mustafa and Ramush Haradinaj, in a meeting in Pristina today that Kosovo needs to continue dialogue with Serbia and implement agreements reached in Brussels. The same sources said that Schockenhoff acknowledged the possibility of the opposition forming the new government. The two opposition leaders asked for Germany’s support to convince minority communities to join their coalition.

Former COMKFOR helping Vetevendosje to enter opposition bloc? (Lajm)

The former KFOR commander, German General Klaus Reinhardt, is in Kosovo for the 15th anniversary of the liberation. Reinhardt was also seen on Sunday in the headquarters of several political parties. Is he facilitating the efforts to bring the Vetevendosje Movement into the opposition bloc? On Saturday, Reinhardt was greeted at Vetevendosje headquarters by its leader Albin Kurti and Rexhep Selimi. Sources told Gazeta Express that Reinhardt is playing the role of facilitator in the latest developments.

No arrest, suspects or information about Pista killing (dailies)

All dailies report on the assassination of Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) candidate for Parliament, Elvis Pista, who was gunned down by unknown assailants on Sunday morning in the town of Rahovec/Orahovac. Over 2,000 people attended the funeral on Sunday. The police have not arrested anyone in relation to the killing, but has offered €10,000 to anyone with information that can help resolve the case. The Basic Prosecution in Gjakove/Djakovica said it has some information about the case, but will not reveal anything until the verification process is completed.

Haradinaj meets Western diplomats (Gazeta Express)

Ramush Haradinaj, leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) who will get the post of Prime Minister according to the LDK-AAK-Nisma coalition agreement, met with representatives of Western countries in Pristina on Tuesday and Wednesday. A Western diplomat, who preferred to remain anonymous, said Haradinaj presented his program and the objectives of the coalition. “Mr. Haradinaj told us how the agreement was reached and what its objectives are. We are completely neutral and only one thing is important to us: respecting the Constitution,” the diplomat said.

Agreement reached: AAK gets Prime Minister’s post, LDK gets post of President, Nisma gets a post of Deputy Prime Minister (Gazeta Express)

Citing reliable sources, Gazeta Express reports that LDK leader Isa Mustafa, AAK leader Ramush Haradinaj and Nisma leader Fatmir Limaj have signed a coalition agreement. According to the news agency, the three leaders have agreed for Haradinaj to be the next prime minister of Kosovo. “The LDK, AAK and Nisma have agreed not to enter a coalition agreement with the PDK. Mustafa and Limaj have agreed for Haradinaj to get the post of Prime Minister in a joint government,” a source told the paper.