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Rama: The “Peace Road” connects Serbia, Kosovo and Albania (Gazeta Express)

The Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, stressed during a press conference on Monday morning that an extraordinary political progress is registered in the region, from the Berlin Conference to the Vienna one. “What is worth stressing is that we have entered a phase which serves to increase the focus on advancement of the economic and financial support for the region,” said Rama. He further informed that the parties involved in the process initiated by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, agree to finance and invest on regional infrastructure.

Nait Hasani demands the resignation of the government (GazetaExpress)

The Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) MP, Nait Hasani has reacted against the agreement reached between Pristina and Belgrade last night in Brussels on the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities. Hasani, through a Facebook post demanded the resignation of the government and called for extraordinary elections.  “The Association/Community means Kosovo’s division and violation of Kosovo Constitution. Kosovo citizens should not accept this Association/Community.

Border demarcation agreement with Montenegro to be signed in Vienna (Gazeta Express)

The Montenegrin paper Vijesti has reported that the border demarcation agreement between Kosovo and Montenegro, negotiated since 2009, will be signed on 27 August in Vienna during the Western Balkans summit. According to the paper, the basis of the agreement will be the borderline of 1974. The signing of the agreement will be witnessed by Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga and Montenegro President Filip Vujanovic but the document will be signed by foreign and internal affairs ministers.

Kostic against Kosovo’s membership in UNESCO (GazetaExpress)

The Mayor of Gracanica, Vladeta Kostic, told Pristina-based Rrokum TV that he is against Kosovo’s membership in UNESCO because he doesn’t believe that the cultural heritage that was damaged and burned in 2004, would be preserved now.  He said that there is no need for UNESCO to take care of the Serb heritage monuments since they are protected with the Ahtisaari plan.  "I am against Kosovo's membership in UNESCO… I think there are other issues more important than UNESCO membership.

Dutch Foreign Ministry: We haven’t made a decision on the tribunal yet (Express)

The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent a reply to the news site saying that it has yet to decide whether or not the Netherlands will host he special court that will address war crimes allegations in Kosovo. “The Dutch Government has yet to decide whether it will host the Tribunal,” Chris Bakker, an information officer at the Dutch Foreign Ministry said. “As a result, we cannot give more information on the location, expenses or the selection of judges”.

When crimes are rewarded (Gazeta Express)

In an opinion piece, Imer Mushkolaj writes that it should be up to the special court’s indictees to secure financial means for their defense and that the people of Kosovo should not be the ones to pay for it. Mushkolaj says there are many reasons why the people of Kosovo should not bear the financial costs of the possible special court indictees, the main being that alleged crimes are thought to have been committed by individuals and therefore not related to the people of Kosovo or the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).

Ceku: Special court is a political issue (GazetaExpress)

The former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) commander, Agim Ceku, told the news site that the establishment of the special court was a political issue. According to him, this court is being established to make a balance in the Balkans so no one appears a winner. He said that no one from the locals knows the names of the alleged suspects.

Ardian Gjini, AKK’s deputy leader (Gazeta Express)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), has elected today its new leadership. The steering council of this party elected Ardian Gjini for the Principal Deputy Leader of the party, while Ahmet Isufi, Donika Kadaj-Bujupi, Pal Lekaj and Gazmend Abrashi, have been elected for deputies.

Blerim Kuci is the general secretary of the party while Ali Berisha is the organizational secretary. Analyst Muharrem Nitaj has joined this party, and he was elected as member of the leadership of the party.

A deceiving population (Gazeta Express)

Imer Mushkolaj, is one of the many editorial writers that drew a parallel these days between the crisis in Greece and the situation in Kosovo. He is also not the only one to reflect today on the book of the Wall Street Journal journalist, James Angelos, "The Full Catastrophe: Travels among the New Greek Ruins." After bringing many examples of fraud, corruption and criminality from this book, Mushkolaj asks: “Do these Greek frauds sound familiar to you? Do Kosovars commit such deeds? Yes, and a lot.”

AAK: Assembly should establish Armed Forces as soon as possible (Gazeta Express)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) issued a communiqué today calling on the Kosovo Assembly to establish the Kosovo Armed Forces as soon as possible. The AAK said that Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and Kosovo Security Force Minister Haki Demolli should provide direct explanations as to why they are not submitting the draft law on the Armed Forces to the Assembly. The AAK communiqué also argued that the Kosovo government led by Prime Minister Mustafa and his deputy Hashim Thaci is ignoring the key sector of security and defence.