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Ristic and Jaksic were not invited to the meeting (KIM radio, FoNet)

Independent MP in the Serbian Assembly Slavisa Ristic said  that he was not invited to a meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in the northern part of Mitrovica, reported on Saturday KIM radio.

Ristic, who is also the former Mayor of Zubin Potok, said he believed that, unlike Kosovo deputies from the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) in the Serbian Assembly, he was not invited because "there were not supposed to be people who tell the truth about what is happening in the north of Kosovo ".

FER monitors Serbian President initiative on internal dialogue on Kosovo (KoSSev portal)

The period from June initiative of the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to launch an internal dialogue on Kosovo until the organization of the first roundtable on 31 October 2017, was marked with two tendencies: frozen conflict and delineation, KoSSev portal reported today.

This is according to the Forum of Ethnic Relations Director, Dusan Janjic who presented the first out of five reports, his organization would dedicate to the internal dialogue on Kosovo. The report is also focused on the impact the initiative has in Kosovo.

Despite Kosovo Serb reservations, President Thaci says no one can veto the army (Prishtina Insight)

Discussing the transformation of the Kosovo Security Forces into an army with civil society activists, Kosovo President remained resolute on the initiative.

"Regardless of how the process of transforming the Kosovo Security Forces to the Kosovo Armed Forces happens, whether through legal or constitutional changes, it is a legal and constitutional process that cannot be stopped by anyone,” said Kosovo President Hashim Thaci on Wednesday. “Let me be clear: no one can veto this process.”

Nataliya Apostolova: The time needed for ZSO (RTK2)

Members of the Serbian List met with the head of the EU office in Kosovo, Nataliya Apostolova. During the meeting, they explained how they will perform in this assembly, and pointed out the key problems that Serbs from Kosovo are facing, reports RTK2.

Serb arrested in Jarinje (KiM Radio)

Male of Serb origin was arrested at the crossing point of Jarinje, Kosovo police said, KIM Radio reported.

The police report said Kosovo Serb was arrested on Wednesday, around 20.00 hrs, based on the order of the Basic Court in Mitrovica and was sent to the detention centre.

A Serb woman, M.T. displaced from Istok, was arrested at the same crossing point last week, under the charges that she has committed a war crime. She was placed under house arrest in the Pec Patriarchate Monstery, KIM Radio reported.





Kosovo Serbs denied political freedoms as local elections approach (Pristhina Insight)

By: Nevena Radosavljevic

In northern Kosovo, Srpska Lista dominates the political scene. As local elections are approaching, Kosovo Serbs are being denied freedom of choice and freedom of expression.

Just when you might think that it is no longer necessary to talk about freedom of speech and freedom of expression in 21st-century Europe, the Balkans are always there to persuade you otherwise.

“Internal dialogue without Serbs from Kosovo makes no sense” (KIM Radio)

Internal dialogue on Kosovo without Serbs from Kosovo makes no sense, concluded participants at the roundtable organized by the Serb National Forum, representatives of different political parties and non-governmental organizations in Gracanica yesterday, KIM Radio reported.

‘I was misled’ (Prishtina Insight)

By Nevena Radosavljevic

The upcoming local elections in Kosovo are important for Serbs. But even if we want to vote for someone other than Srpska Lista, we will be deprived of that right in front of our very eyes.

Local elections in Kosovo are to be held on October 22. Even though many Serbs believe they know what lies ahead, with the final outcome of the parliamentary elections still on our minds, we sometimes tend to forget about the upcoming elections.

Kurti: Dialogue with Serbs, ZSO imagined as new RS (RTS, Tanjug)

Self-determination movement candidate for the Kosovo Prime Minsiter, Albin Kurti said he is not against the dialogue, but thinks this dialogue should be held with Serbs from Kosovo, while for the Association of the Serb Communities, he said it is imagined as a new Republic of Srpska, Serbian media reported.

Kurti said that during the last six-years of dialogue there was too much investment and too little benefits.

According to him, “the time has come to think why it went that way. We need to talk with the EU about negotiations with Belgrade.”

Dacic: Elections in Kosovo are of vital importance for the Serbs (Beta)

Acting Serbian Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic called on Kosovo Serbs to vote for the Serbian list in the Kosovo elections. Today's elections in Kosovo "are of vital importance for the Serbian people, which only united can ensure their survival," sait Dacic, reported Beta news agency.