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Vucic: Ambassadors are not meddling in Serbian affairs; I'm almost sure Ivanovic's killer will be discovered (B92, RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic reiterated on Thursday that "Serbia leads an independent policy, and citizens are the ones who decide."

Vucic added that in terms of Kosovo, "we need to have a realistic, rational and responsible approach, look to the future, and succeeding in making the most of what we can do."

Demolished Perovic house in the village of Medragovac near Podujevo (KIM radio, Vecernje Novosti)

The household of Perovic, the only Serbian household in the village of Medragovac near Podujevo, on the administrative line of the municipalities of Podujevo, Medvedja and Kursumlija was demolished and looted, while the Albanians from the neighbouring village, as reported to the Kosovo police on Sunday, interrupted the flow of water and electricity to the house of Radisav (77) and Milica Perovic (74), write Vecernje Novosti.

UNDP Public Pulse Analyses: 95% of Serbs do not feel safe in Kosovo (Kossev)

The latest six-month UNDP "Public Pulse" report was presented in Pristina, it showed that 95% of Serbs do not feel safe in Kosovo, reports RTV KiM.

In a survey conducted at the end of April, which covers the period from October last year to April this year, out of 210 Serb respondents, only 5% said they felt safe in the streets of Kosovo.

UNDP Public Pulse Analyses: 95% of Serbs do not feel safe in Kosovo (Kossev)

The latest six-month UNDP "Public Pulse" report was presented in Pristina, it showed that 95% of Serbs do not feel safe in Kosovo, reports RTV KiM.

In a survey conducted at the end of April, which covers the period from October last year to April this year, out of 210 Serb respondents, only 5% said they felt safe in the streets of Kosovo.

Demolished Perovic house in the village of Medragovac near Podujevo (KIM radio, Vecernje Novosti)

The household of Perovic, the only Serbian household in the village of Medragovac near Podujevo, on the administrative line of the municipalities of Podujevo, Medvedja and Kursumlija was demolished and looted, while the Albanians from the neighbouring village, as reported to the Kosovo police on Sunday, interrupted the flow of water and electricity to the house of Radisav (77) and Milica Perovic (74), write Vecernje Novosti.

Simic: Each agreement improves the position of the Serbs and other citizens in Kosovo (Kontakt plus radio)

The spokesperson of the Serbian List Igor Simic told Kontakt plus radio that the current security situation in Kosovo is worrying. He welcomed the continuation of the dialogue in Brussels but assess as the failure of non-acceptance of the document by the Government of Kosovo because it was written in the Cyrillic alphabet. He says this was another indicator of the attitude of Kosovo institutions towards Serb representatives.

Dialogue round on Sunday will be "difficult," says Vucic (Serbian media)

Aleksandar Vucic says the dialogue with Pristina on Sunday will be "difficult" - but that Belgrade will "defend its position."

Vucic added that Belgrade will strive for a compromise.

It will be, as he says, "yet another opportunity for our position to be heard, yet another opportunity to fight for our country and our people, while respecting the other side and with the desire to reach a solution."

Serbs from the villages near Obilic appeal the police to protect them from robbers of cattle and machines (NMagazin, RTK2)

Villagers from the Obilic municipality appealed the police to further engage in order to punish thieves, whose targets they are continuously, reports NMagazin.

"We tried to get a response from the police, but unsuccessfully, they did not respond to our messages and calls," say the Serbs from the villages Babin Most and Milosevo.

Serbs in Kosovo worried about EULEX departure (Blic)

Nearly 2 000 police officers, judges and prosecutors who worked for the EULEX mission in Kosovo in the past 10 years are withdrawing from Kosovo, and their responsibilities will be taken over by Kosovo institutions. Some Blic interlocutors point out that the gradual departure of KFOR soldiers can be expected, after which the space opens up for the formation of the Kosovo army and the completion of the Kosovo's independence.

The anniversary of the murder of Serbs in Livadice (Kontakt plus radio, KIM radio, Radio Gracanica, TV Puls, RTK2, Kossev)

In the Church of St. Petka in Laplje Selo near Pristina, today at 11 am was planned a parastos to Serbs killed in an attack, and in the village of Livadica near Podujevo, reports Serbian media in Kosovo.

Flowers will be laid at the place where "Nis express" bus bumped into mine 17 years ago, a bus which transported the displaced Serbs to Gracanica for an All Souls Day, accompanied by soldiers of KFOR.