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U.S. commends signing of agreements in Brussels (Tanjug)

The United States welcomed the important agreements reached between Belgrade and Pristina in Brussels and lauded the dedication of both sides to this process.

"The agreements finalized today on energy, telecommunications, establishment of an Association/Community of Serbian Municipalities, as well as on the Freedom of Movement/Mitrovica Bridge, will improve the lives of people in both countries," reads a statement issued by the U.S. Department of State on Tuesday.

The technical dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina (Akter)

A new round of technical dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina will begin in Brussels today.

According to earlier announcements, the topics of discussion should be the community/association of Serbian municipalities (ZSO), energy, telecommunications and traffic on the bridge over the Ibar River in Mitrovica.

Political round of talks with the participation of prime ministers of Serbia and Kosovo, Aleksandar Vucic and Isa Mustafa is scheduled for Tuesday, August 25.

In effort to read logically some illogical agreements (Koha Ditore)

Adriatik Kelmendi considers that the agreement for the free movement between Pristina and Belgrade, is not reciprocal. He notes that despite the fact that the agreement was a necessity, it in fact “only mended the problem, without resolving it. Seeing the reactions and Serbia’s damage caused to Kosovo, and reach of the two agreements for free movement without resolving the problem, Minister Tahiri stated in half voice that Serbia should accept Kosovo license plates, or Kosovo party would in a certain time implement the reciprocal measures.

KLA War Associations to protest tomorrow against special court (Lajmi)

The representatives of the KLA War Associations said in a press conference today that they will protest on Wednesday in Pristina against the establishment of the special court. Xhavit Jashari called on the members of the Kosovo Assembly not to vote in favor of the special court. He said Wednesday’s protest will oppose the injustice toward former KLA members and added that the special court will be a continuation of UNMIK and EULEX. According to Jashari, the special court will try to stain the fight of the KLA and will violate Kosovo’s sovereignty.

Area code then chapters (Vecernje Novosti)

Next week delegations of Belgrade and Pristina will have the last chance to finalize agreements, on technical level, on telecommunications, energy, as well as to start with talks on Community/Association of Serbian municipalities (ZSO). On 23 June, in a dialogue between two premiers, Vucic and Mustafa will be able to sign and therefore seal the final agreements.

According to Vecernje Novosti, on Monday would be discussed telecommunications, Tuesday and Wednesday are set for the talks on the ZSO, and energy on 18 June.

No one has applied for legalization of Orthodox Church building in Pristina (Koha)

The Serb Orthodox Church “St. Nicholas” built within the University of Prishtina campus has not applied for legalization, confirmed Pristina Municipality spokesperson Miranda Mullafazliu-Bejta. She added that all buildings that do not possess a construction permit and have not applied for one within the given timeframe will not be able to be reviewed and will be subject to demolition. However, Mullafazliu-Bejta did not say whether the Orthodox Church building will have the same fate.

Next round of Kosovo talks "to be crucial for chapters" (Beta, Tanjug, B92)

The next round of Kosovo talks on June 23 "will be crucial for normalization of relations and opening of (EU) negotiating chapters for Serbia this year."

This is what European Parliament Rapporteur for Serbia David McAllister said in Belgrade on Monday.

"In order to open the first chapter this year both sides will have to demonstrate progress and the next round of dialogue in Brussels will be crucial for normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina," he said at the Serbian Economic Summit, according to a Beta agency report.

Today the continuation of the technical dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina (Blic)

Technical dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina on issues of telecommunications, vehicle insurance and integrated management of crossings will continue today in Brussels. Marko Djuric, Director of the Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija will lead Belgrade's team.