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"I'll help Serbia prove NATO's quiet, vicious murder" (Vecernje Novosti, B92)

Domenico Leggero, one of the founders of Osservatorio Militare (Military Observatory) says he is willing to hand over to Serbia his documentation about NATO.

Leggero told the daily Vecernje Novosti that NATO had committed "a quiet, vicious murder" by using depleted uranium ammunition (while attacking Serbia in 1999, and Serb areas in Bosnia before that). For that reason, the Italian said, he was willing to help Serbia by handing over the documentation he gathered on the subject.

Daily: Secret operation, "Club 100" taking Serbia to NATO (Vecernje Novosti, Tanjug, B92)

Representatives of the US embassy and NATO have intensified their efforts to bring Serbia closer to the Western military alliance.

Their goal is to establish the "Club 100," writes Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti.

According to the newspaper, university professors and public figures would enter this "Club 100" in order to openly promote a policy of abandoning Serbia's current course of neutrality.

As stated, the essence is to step up both the propaganda work, and operational activities on the field.


Bishop Teodosije met NATO commanders in Gracanica: Concerned for Serb population and Church (KoSSev)

Bishop of Raska-Prizren Eparchy Teodosije met yesterday in Gracanica with NATO Allied Forces Commander, US Admiral James G. Foggo and KFOR Commander, Major-General Salvatore Cuoci, KoSSev portal reported.

During the meeting, Bishop Teodosije expressed concern over a series of ethnically motivated attacks against Serbs that took place this month in Kosovo and Metohija as well as over persistent disrespect of the law on the part of local institutions, in particular in Decane municipality.

Italian colonel says he fell ill with cancer in Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti, Tanjug, B92)

Italian Red Cross Colonel Emerico Maria Laccetti has told Vecernje Novosti that he had been diagnosed with a "giant lung tumor" upon returning from Kosovo.

According to Laccetti, the tumor was a direct consequence of exposure to ionizing radiation that he experienced there.

Depleted uranium ammunition was used by NATO during its bombing of Serbia, from March until June 1999.

Jeremic: Vucic would not stop after surrendering Kosovo (TV Nasa, Danas)

Leader of Peoples’ Party Vuk Jeremic told TV Nasa, Serbian President and SNS leader Aleksandar Vucic by surrendering to the West vital Serbian national interests pays for his remain in power, acts humbly towards internationals in order to do “whatever he wants” in Serbia.

Jeremic went on saying Vucic intends to give Pristina a seat in the UN this year, then to accept to disenfranchise Republic of Srpska, bring Serbia into NATO, but would request from internationals not to criticize him during that period “over small matters” such as rule of law issues and media control.

KFOR Commander: KFOR to remain in Kosovo as long as needed (RTS, Jedinstvo)

KFOR Commander General Salvatore Cuocci says that this peacekeeping mission will remain in Kosovo as long as needed, and that NATO currently does not plan to reduce the presence of international peacekeeping forces in Kosovo. Speaking about the action of Marko Djuric's arrest and attacks on journalists in North Mitrovica, Cuocci says that KFOR does not interfere with political or legal issues, national broadcaster RTS reports quoting daily Jedinstvo based in North Mitrovica.

Vecernje Novosti: Serbian Army has response to Pristina’s plan

Possible intrusion of the Kosovo Security Forces to crossing points Jarinje and Brnjak would not go without reaction from Belgrade, Vecernje Novosti wrote yesterday.

As daily earlier reported, Pristina’s plan to take over control of the administrative crossing points in the north of Kosovo, supported by NATO allies, could “inflame” entire region and Belgrade through unofficial channels has warned important European stakeholders of danger and domino effects of such scenario.

Ivanovic: Percentage of malignant diseases on rise (TV Most, KIM Radio)

Mitrovica North Clinical-Health Centre Director, Milan Ivanovic told TV Most today there are 4 to 5 times more patients at the Oncology Ward in the hospital than before.

Ivanovic welcomed the decision of the Serbian Assembly to establish a Commission that would investigate the consequences of the 1999 NATO bombardment of Serbia, adding it is in interest of patients to know the real truth and undertake necessary measures.

Vecernje Novosti: Albanian plan to cut off north (Serbian media)

Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti reported today it has learned that Pristina authorities with the help of NATO allies plan intrusion to the crossing points Jarinje and Brnjak, aiming to confirm “sovereignty” and cause a psychological impact on Serbs. The daily continued that Albanians ordered 12.000 German rocket launchers called “Armbrust.”