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Where and what should learn the new chief prosecutor (Koha Ditore)

The columnist Enver Robelli, on today’s editorial writes that Kosovo can hope for a better future, only if it strengthens the justice system. According to the author, the newly nominated Chief Prosecutor, Aleksander Lumezi, must first visit Romania and see the actual work of the authorities there, because, according to him, this European Union country has finally launched an extensive campaign against corrupt politicians.

Saatchi & Thaci and  the “passive observer” Mustafa (Koha Ditore)

Journalist Enver Robelli writes in an opinion piece that the image of Kosovo has been destroyed by the government and not by the majority of citizens. Robelli argues that the “concerned citizens of Kosovo can fix the image of their country through peaceful resistance until they achieve qualitative changes in politics.” Robelli writes: “Stones were thrown in the streets of Pristina last Tuesday, directed especially against the bad governance perennial.

The enraged insults all partners (Koha)

Publicist Enver Robelli writes in his opinion piece that “Hashim Thaci’s recent insults against Albanian political parties that don’t want to enter a coalition with him reveal that the PDK chief sees Isa Mustafa, Ramush Haradinaj, Fatmir Limaj and Albin Kurti only as means to get to power through their votes”. Robelli notes that the coalition between the LDK, AAK and NISMA might not be natural, but that the PDK needs to search within itself the reasons behind this coalition. “Why is everyone boycotting Thaci? He is the best person to answer this question, if he were to be honest.


Kosovo must overcome hell (Koha Ditore)

Publicist Enver Robelli argues in his opinion piece that Kosovo badly needs a different government. “The first capital task of responsible politicians in Kosovo, if there are any left in this mafia system, is to make the Republic functional and to save the state. Success can be achieved only if international circumstances are taken into consideration and the fact that Kosovo is no longer in the focus of world politics.
