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183 women found in 28 nightclubs in Kosovo, 7 bars closed (Radio kontakt plus)

Kosovo police unit for human trafficking during the search of 28 nightclubs across Kosovo found 183 women, while 7 bars were closed under suspicion of being involved in human trafficking, Radio kontakt plus reported.

Among found women, 122 are citizens of Albania, 56 are from Kosovo, 2 are from central Serbia, 2 from Macedonia and 1 from Bulgaria.

Domestic violence: "She acted dead and thus saved her life" (KIM radio)

Domestic violence is one of the problems in a society that is often concealed because of fear or feeling of embarrassment. Non-reporting of the perpetrators and the absence of measures to protect the victim often lead to serious consequences, sometimes with a death outcome.

A recent case of attempted murder in Gornja Gusterica village has disturbed residents of central Kosovo, reports KIM radio.

Serb detained in Petric near Klina released (Radio kontakt plus)

Serb arrested yesterday in the village of Petric, near Klina was released last night, Chairperson of Provisional Council, Bozidar Sarkovic confirmed to Serbian media.

L.B. (53) was detained following claims of several Albanians that he has provoked them. Pristina based media outlet Koha, referring to Kosovo police, earlier reported that L.B. was arrested for the alleged massacre in the village in 1999.

Sarkovic told Serbian media there are unofficial information.


Police dispersed Albanians, they returned and attacked Serbs (B92, Radio Gorazdevac, KoSSev, Blic)

Three Serbs were injured in the village of Petric, after they were attacked by Albanian population, Serbian media reported.

According to Serbian media, group of Albanians, previously dispersed by the Kosovo Police gathered again and surrounded displaced Serbs who managed to reach the Church of Holly Trinity in the village, although Albanians blocked the road during the morning.

Following a ceremonial part, an attack occurred, targeting those who were in the yard and around the church.

North Mitrovica police officer and commander threaten lawsuit against KoSSev portal for citizens’ comments (KoSSev)

The KoSSev media news outlet received a warning from the two police officers of the Kosovo Police North Mitrovica station, before the launch of a possible lawsuit against the media outlet, the portal reported.

Police officer Milan Ristovic and the commander of the North Mitrovica station, Djordje Karamarkovic, in four separate requests, complained about the public (Facebook) comments on the news site, made in regard to their work.

Serbs from the villages near Obilic appeal the police to protect them from robbers of cattle and machines (NMagazin, RTK2)

Villagers from the Obilic municipality appealed the police to further engage in order to punish thieves, whose targets they are continuously, reports NMagazin.

"We tried to get a response from the police, but unsuccessfully, they did not respond to our messages and calls," say the Serbs from the villages Babin Most and Milosevo.

Jevtic: Robberies of Serbs block return, force to departure (Tanjug, RTV)

Frequent thefts of properties in Serb areas over the last couple of months fully stopped return process, and also induce pressure on remaining Serbs to move out from areas affected by such incidents, outgoing Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Communities and Returns Dalibor Jevtic said, Serbian media reported.

Molotov cocktail thrown at the house of a KP investigator in Zvecan (KIM radio)

Unknown attackers threw a Molotov cocktail on Saturday night at the house of the police investigator Milan Ristovic, located in the village of Zerovnica, in the municipality of Zvecan, reports KIM radio.

Apart from the material damage, no one was injured, and the police is investigating the incident.

The radio recalls that Ristic’s car was set on fire and burned about a month ago, and the perpetrators are still not caught.

 Less criminal acts and offences in first quarter of 2018 than in 2017, arson cases unresolved (Radio kontakt plus)

Percentage of cases in the northern police station, in the first quarter of 2018 compared to the same period in 2017, is slowly declining, percentage of issued traffic violation tickets is on rise, while percentage of resolved criminal acts is also higher, said Commander of the North Mitrovica Police Station, Major Djordje Karamarkovic.

Dejan Slavic in detention up to 30 days (KIM radio, RTS, Blic, Politika, Vecernje Novosti)

The Basic Court in Pristina ordered detention up to 30 days to Dejan Slavic from Obilic on suspicion of allegedly committing a war crime against the civilian population during the Kosovo conflict, reports Serbian media.

Lawyer Nebojsa Vlajic, defense attorney for the arrested Slavic, told RTS that he received the court's decision on detention and that late on he would be able to give more details.