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Citizens with Serbian documents face problems in Kosovo (Kontakt plus radio)

Deputy Kosovo Interior Minister Milan Radojević says that Kosovo border police, at some crossings, do not recognize Serbian documents.

Radojević told Kontakt plus radio that dozens of citizens with these documents, late last and early this month, submitted a complaint to the Kosovo Ministry of Internal Affairs because they were refused entry to or exit from Kosovo towards central Serbia but also FYROM.

Three cars burned in North Mitrovica (KoSSev)

Three cars have burned early this morning in northern Mitrovica in the vicinity of the student dormitory, reported KoSSev.

Head of Operations of the Kosovo Police for the North Željko Bojić confirmed that North police station received a report on the fire this morning, and that preliminary findings, according to the investigation, show that it was the case of arson.

Rakić ordered the suspension of works on and around the bridge in Mitrovica (KIM radio)

Mayor of North Mitrovica Goran Rakić ordered today the suspension of construction works on and around the bridge in this city, and asked the international and local security authorities to ensure the security of citizens.

Rakić said that the reason behind was a series of serious incidents in the city and that he asks the representatives of the EU to comply with the Brussels agreement and above all to ensure the safety to citizens.

A Serb seriously injured in North Mitrovica (Kontakt plus radio)

Kontakt Plus radio reports that in North Mitrovica last night seriously was injured a Serb (B.K.). He was attacked by two men with knives in his home.

Kontakt Plus radio reported this as the second incident that occurred in Mitrovica in last two days. Regional Head of Operations of the Kosovo Police Željko Bojić told the radio that two attackers entered the home of common-law spouses B. K. and B. G. and that they attacked with knives. On that occasion, the husband was injured in the left leg and the head.

One Serb injured in North Mitrovica (Kontakt plus radio)

A Serb was injured last night in the northern part of Mitrovica. He was attacked by five masked men in Bošnjačka mahala.

Regional Head of Operations of the Kosovo Police Željko Bojić says that the incident occurred around 23:20 and that Kosovo police was looking for an Albanian who was identified and suspected of the attack.

Kosovo Police issues statement about roadblock in Istog/Istok village (Koha)

The Kosovo Police, regional directorate in Peje/Pec, said in a statement that around 25 persons and three vehicles gathered this morning at the village of Padalishte/Padaliste, Istog/Istok municipality to protest against the visit of a Serb delegation to Kosovo. “These persons blocked the road by preventing car traffic.

Rakic against changes at the Police (Koha Ditore)

Mitrovica North citizens protested today in front of the Police Station in the north, due to the replacement of three Police senior officers.

Mayor of Mitrovica North, Goran Rakic, aslo participated at the protest. He said that he will request withdrawal of these decisions.

The paper also learned that Rakic, together with the Director of the Police there, Nenad Djuric, have requested an urgent meeting with the Kosovo Police General Director, Shpend Maxhuni.

Police arrest Vetevendosje MP, Donika Kadaj-Bujupi (media)

Kosovo Police have arrested Vetevendosje MP, Donika Kadaj-Bujupi, at the border crossing with the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), media reported. Vetevendosje in a statement confirmed Kadaj-Bujupi's arrest and said she was detained on previous charges. "This arrest, at a time when demarcation is being anticipated at the Assembly, is a provocation," the party said and called on law enforcement mechanisms to stop "persecuting" Vetevendosje MPs and activists.